Monday, August 30, 2021

Two Roshei Yeshivos ..Brothers..Sexually abused their Talmidim for Years


A special rabbinical court convened by five prominent Charedi rabbis has ruled that two brothers who are deans of a prominent yeshiva in Jerusalem sexually abused their students for years, and have forbidden parents from sending their sons to the institution.

The court said that “severe and obscene transgressions” had been committed by Rabbi Yitzhak Tufik, dean of the Be’er Yehudah Yeshiva in the Sanhedria neighborhood of Jerusalem, and his brother, Rabbi Moshe Tufik, dean of the Be’er Yehudah “yeshiva ketana” for high-school pupils.
The Tufik brothers are the sons of the well-known haredi Rabbi Eliyahu Tufik, senior dean of the Be’er Yehuda Yeshiva institutions. He is not implicated in the alleged sexual abuse.

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