Friday, April 23, 2021

FBI Arrests Brooklyn Yeshiva Boy Dovid Schwartzberg For Entering Capital on Jan 6


This is too funny to be true ....I had to re-read this story many times, because I thought this had to be a spoof..

The entire country is going to pot, on the verge of a civil war ... where it's dangerous to walk the streets if your white... a country that gave $27 million to the Floyd family, a criminal from the day he was born who physically abused and threatened his pregnant girlfriend with a knife, a country where a congresswoman no less a majority leader of congress thanks this dangerous criminal Floyd for sacrificing his life, a country that calls a cop who had no choice but to kill a 16 year old girl  who was about to be stab  another girl to death, ....a racist, and then allows blacks to loot and get free TVs. A country that praises hateful anti-Semitic organisations like BLM whose founder became a millionaire on the backs of her naive fellow blacks.

In the midst of this chaos & destruction, and while the country is burning, the FBI has the time to do a full federal investigation of  a yeshiva boy who decided to enter the Capital  on January 6! ....while allowing a rabble rouser an  elected Congresswoman, who is no doubt a  certified lunatic,   the ugly wench, Maxine Water, to incite and encourage her fellow blacks to riot and burn.. 

Guys pack up and move ... now.... there is a civil war brewing while you are calmly making plans to go to Orlando for Pesach next think that goyim want you there with your $5,000 shaitlach? With your fancy, shape hugging Givenchy dresses? 
You think that the Goyim in Disneyworld love seeing your children with payes and tzizis, and matching outfts ? Do you really think that the goyim in Sullivan County are looking forward to the snoods, "pundulach"and filth this summer?
Seriously, do you think that the RBS"O loves watching Chassidic leaders building huge buildings in Chutz Le'aaretz? ....Bobov 48 and 45, Satmar Zilonie and Satmar Ahroini are trying to outdo each on who has the biggest building ... 
This my friends is a huge Chillul Hashem ... and those very leaders loudly scream and rant, with eyes rolled into their heads,  at the seder "Leshana Habbah Be'Yerushalyim"! Do you really, in your heart of hearts, think, that they want that? Do you want that? Be honest ...Do you want to be in Yerushalyim or do you want to be in Orlando next year?
The next time you guys run to Europe to the kevarim thereby helping and supporting the economy of the murderers and rapists of our relatives just 75 years ago,... stop off in Bobov, Ger, Belz,Lublin, Sata-mare, Siget, Volozhin, Mir, Radin, Telz, and Lubavitch ... do me a favour... stop off there and show us  all how their shuls are doing.... see how the  cows and goats  are grazing in some of them now .....

You don't even have to go to Europe to see our Moisdos Ha'Torahs' total destruction.
How are the Big  Beautiful Shuls in The Bronx, in Brownsville, East New York, Canarsi Lower East Side, Bensonhurst, doing? And this is just in New York alone..
These are subtle hints.from the One Above.. which you guys are ignoring...
Yes, we have problems in Israel..yes... but Hashem wants you in Israel with its issues...

Come now before its too late ... don't forget to give the blacks reparations on your way out the door...

  The FBI has charged a 19-year-old Brooklyn man for breaking into the U.S. Capitol during the January 6th protests in Washington DC.

Dovid Schwartzberg confessed to breaking into the building along with the pro-Trump mob and recording several videos. A tipster informed the FBI after security cameras and social media video captured images of Schwartzberg, wearing a red “Make America Great Again” cap, inside the Capitol building.

He turned himself into the FBI in New York on Tuesday and was released on bail.

Schwartzberg told FBI agents that he “wanted to be where the action was” and willingly entered the building on the day that Congress was meeting to affirm the results of the 2020 presidential election. The charges include violent entry, disorderly conduct and knowingly entering a restricted building.




  1. Dear DIN

    You make very valid points here but what do you suggest we do with the thousands of children. Where should we educate them if not in buildings. Those buildings cost millions to build. Are you suggesting we cram our children into basements or that we all move. Please clarify.

  2. 9:41
    Good point... I'm not talking about Yeshivas ..I'm talking about the gigantic shuls ...

  3. Did he or did he not break the law?
    If he did not then why would the FBI arrest him?
    If he did, what is wrong with the FBI arresting someone who broke the law? Are Yeshivah guys exempt?

  4. I was not aware that the violent bochurim from Ponovitch were part of the exclusively ANTIFA crowd at the capital. Which shiur did this inoccent lamb learn in?

  5. 2:16
    I don't think you read the post? You didn't get the gist of what I wrote.. did you?..
    Hunter Biden is walking around but a guy who walked into the Capital on Jan 6 gets arrested by the FBI..
    that makes sense to you?

  6. You lived In chutz laaretz for many years. You can stop spewing your garbage cause you moved to Israel.

  7. 3:59
    exactly, I lived in "chutz laaretz for many years" ....
