Monday, December 14, 2020

Watch President Trump Get a Standing Ovation At West Point





  1. Since he is threatining to veto their appropriations bill that funds the military, methinks they are cheering for his ouster. Or perhaps they are breathlessly awaiting his war tactics lecture, since he knows better then all the generals, and the CDC stands in awe of his medical acumen. Or perhaps they also wish they had gotten a deferment for hangnails, as did the "healthiest president in the history of the world (at least since Lincoln).

    1. How come you trump haters are such liars and nasty trash ?

  2. 2:30
    Your hate for Trump blinded your cloudy eyes ...

    He actually did know better than the generals that were against his withdrawal of troops from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan ... turned out this was the best decision for the USA ... he is also the first modern President not to commit troops to other countries ... if he had listened to the generals we would bringing back our boys in bodybags.
    His "medical acumen" turns out that he was absolutely right in advocating for opening the schools and businesses ...and all the so called scientists and doctors had no clue how to tackle it ..
    he was spot on ... got the vaccines out in months ... which the demented Biden will now take credit for ......
    Looking back ..The CDC was wrong on all their recommendations ...
    they have no clue what to do ...and now recommending what Trump said from the start ... open the schools and businesses..
    Only a lunatic or someone obsessed with hate can watch this video and not see how the troops love him......

  3. 2:30
    I'm glad you mentioned Lincoln in your disingenuous and hateful comment

    This is what the Democrats called the Republican Lincoln:

    "Sure, we revere Lincoln today, but in his lifetime the bile poured on him from every quarter makes today’s Internet vitriol seem dainty. His ancestry was routinely impugned, his lack of formal learning ridiculed, his appearance maligned, and his morality assailed. We take for granted, of course, the scornful outpouring from the Confederate states; no action Lincoln took short of capitulation would ever have quieted his Southern critics. But the vituperation wasn’t limited to enemies of the Union. The North was ever at his heels. No matter what Lincoln did, it was never enough for one political faction, and too much for another. Yes, his sure-footed leadership during this country’s most-difficult days was accompanied by a fair amount of praise, but also by a steady stream of abuse—in editorials, speeches, journals, and private letters—from those on his own side, those dedicated to the very causes he so ably championed. George Templeton Strong, a prominent New York lawyer and diarist, wrote that Lincoln was “a barbarian, Scythian, yahoo, or gorilla.” Henry Ward Beecher, the Connecticut-born preacher and abolitionist, often ridiculed Lincoln in his newspaper, The Independent (New York), rebuking him for his lack of refinement and calling him “an unshapely man.” Other Northern newspapers openly called for his assassination long before John Wilkes Booth pulled the trigger. He was called a coward, “an idiot,” and “the original gorilla” by none other than the commanding general of his armies, George McClellan."

  4. 2:30

    Here is more from bile spewed by Democrats on Lincoln even after he was shot to death

    "One of Lincoln’s lasting achievements was ending American slavery. Yet Elizabeth Cady Stanton, the famous abolitionist, called Lincoln “Dishonest Abe” in a letter she wrote to Wendell Phillips in 1864, a year after Lincoln had freed the slaves in rebel states and only months before he would engineer the Thirteenth Amendment. She bemoaned the “incapacity and rottenness” of his administration to Susan B. Anthony, worked to deny him renomination, and swore to Phillips that if he “is reelected I shall immediately leave the country for the Fijee Islands.” Stanton eventually had a change of heart and lamented her efforts against Lincoln, but not all prominent abolitionists did, even after his victory over slavery was complete, even after he was killed. In the days after Lincoln’s assassination, William Lloyd Garrison Jr. called the murder “providential” because it meant Vice President Andrew Johnson would assume leadership."

  5. 2:30
    Read the following about Lincoln and if you didn't see the word "Lincoln" you would think they wrote about Trump!
    Just like Trump, Lincoln was hated by his own party too

    "As for the Gettysburg Address—one of the most powerful speeches in human history, one that many American schoolchildren can recite by heart (Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth …) and a statement of national purpose that for some rivals the Declaration of Independence—a Pennsylvania newspaper reported, “We pass over the silly remarks of the President. For the credit of the nation we are willing that the veil of oblivion shall be dropped over them, and they shall be no more repeated or thought of.” A London Times correspondent wrote, “Anything more dull and commonplace it wouldn’t be easy to produce.”

    And the second inaugural address (With malice toward none, with charity for all …), the third major pillar in Lincoln’s now undisputed reputation for eloquence, etched in limestone on the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.? A. B. Bradford, a Pennsylvania pastor and a member of one of the oldest European families in America, wrote that it was “one of the most awkwardly expressed documents I ever read … When he knew it would be read by millions all over the world, why under the heavens did he not make it a little more creditable to American scholarship?” The New York Herald described it as “a little speech of ‘glittering generalities’ used only to fill in the program.” The Chicago Times, a powerful voice in Lincoln’s home state: “We did not conceive it possible that even Mr. Lincoln could produce a paper so slip-shod, so loose-jointed, so puerile, not alone in literary construction, but in its ideas, its sentiments, its grasp.” Poor Lincoln. By all accounts he appears to have been the gentlest and most honorable of husbands and fathers, and yet he found little solace even at home. Burlingame records the constant duplicity and groundless suspicion, the nagging criticism and jealous rants of Mary Todd Lincoln, who, on a steamboat home after her husband’s triumphant entry into a fallen Richmond, reportedly flew into such a rage that she slapped him in the face."

  6. Your cogent arguments have convinced me. AIYN OID MELVADOI. YECHI ADUMUR MHM DONALD LEOLAM VOEd. Can you send me the KoolAID ASAP?
