Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Watch Joe Biden Make One Of His Ridiculous Looking Entrances

 Joe Biden never did this before in 47 years of campaigning, but beginning a few weeks ago he started doing a little fake jogging every time he made an entrance. 

Obviously, it looks totally out of place to be running inside on a stage, but a consultant came up with the fake jog to distract you from the fact that he's old and frail and once he does speak he seems lost and confused. Watch how silly and forced it looks:




  1. These hypocrite homos had just condemned Israel for the hit on the top nuclear scientist in Iran

    Police in Brussels have raided a lockdown orgy in the basement of a gay bar – collaring 25 people, including several diplomats and a member of the European Parliament, according to reports.

    The sex party in the Belgian capital took place Friday in the bar on Rue des Pierres, the Brussels Times reported, citing local media.

    The European Union official, who has not been identified, allegedly tried to flee but was caught and questioned by authorities, according to La Dernière Heure. (Not to be confused with La Derrière which is French for rear end)

    He invoked his immunity, local news outlet Het Nieuwsblad reported.

    All of the attendees — most of whom were naked men — were fined for violating the coronavirus measures, a source told Het Laatste Nieuws.

    Police also recovered drugs at the site, officials said.

  2. A senior commander in Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps was killed in a drone strike along the Syria-Iraq border, according to widely circulated reports in Arabic media Monday.

    Iraqi security sources told Saudi al-Arabiya News that a drone killed Muslim Shahdan, a senior commander in IRGC, in a targeted strike on his car.

    Other Iraqi sources told Lebanon's al-Hadath that 3 of his companions perished with him.

    It was the latest in a rapid escalation in military action over the past weeks that saw a top Iranian nuclear scientist assassinated & air strikes that killed Iranian troops in Syria. The attacks have all been attributed to Israel.

    Iraqi security officials separately said Shahdan’s vehicle was carrying weapons & was hit shortly after it crossed the border from Iraq into Syria, Reuters reported.

    Israel & the US target Iran + its proxies for attempting to smuggle weapons via Iraq to Syria-Lebanon to be used against the Jewish state.

    IDF chief Aviv Kohavi said Israel will not let up its campaign aimed at keeping Iran-backed fighters from gaining a foothold in Syria.

    The campaign has included 1000s of airstrikes on Iranian targets & weapons convoys, according to accounts from officials speaking anonymously.

    However, Israeli strikes on the Syria-Iraq border are more rare.

    Last week, Iran warned that it would bring an end to what it called Israel’s practice of “hit & run” strikes in Syria.

    Tehran made the threat following a major Israeli assault in response to what Jerusalem said was a failed Iranian explosives attack on the Golan Heights.

    Shahdan’s assassination comes days after the killing of prominent Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsin Fakhrizadeh, in an ambush on his convoy. Israel's widely reported to be the perpetrator of the targeted killing, though Jerusalem has stayed mum on the issue.

    Fakhrizadeh’s death puts Israel & Jewish institutions around the world on high alert, as Iran publicly vows revenge & repeatedly claims Israel's behind the assassination.

    Investigating suspicions that agents of UOJ also have the capability of penetrating the isolated regime, Der Yid newspaper is reporting that the IRGC broached the possibility with their long time confidant Lipa Margulies who dismissed "overblown" abilities attributed to UOJ. But a North Korean diplomat at the United Nations in Manhattan said he had popped in to Agudath Israel at 42 Broadway where Avi Shafran told him he had just warned Iranian leader Mohammed Khatami that Margulies has a Pavlovian predisposition against crediting UOJ for anything, which ended up being very damaging to the Agudah when they used to heed his advice.

    In January, a US drone strike killed senior IRGC commander Qassem Soleimani. Iran responded by firing missiles at US bases in Iraq that caused dozens of injuries.


    Whistleblowers: Postal Service labeled Trump mail ‘Undeliverable,’ 388,000 ballots backdated, ‘disappear’

    by Paul Bedard, Washington Secrets Columnist
    Dec 01, 2020

    Several whistleblowers today cast new uncertainty on the 2020 election process, claiming up to 288,000 ballots disappeared, another 100,000 improperly backdated & mail promoting President Trump junked while mail for Joe Biden was delivered.

    In the most extraordinary report, a US Postal Service contractor said his trailer full of 144,000-288,000 completed mail-in ballots, which he drove between New York & Pennsylvania, disappeared after he delivered it to a Lancaster, PA, depot.

    Another claimed ballots were backdated by postal workers & in Traverse City, MI, Trump campaign mail was put in bins labeled “Undeliverable Bulk Business Mail” while the same type of mail for Joe Biden was ordered delivered on time.

    A 3rd raised new issues about the integrity of Dominion voting machines.

    The claims were unveiled by the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, which mounted an independent investigation of voting & registration in several key battleground states. It recently made headlines revealing the FBI requested findings of its Voter Integrity Project.

    The project uncovered flaws & fraud in ballots + voter registration of several states that certified counts in favor of Biden.

    In today’s release at a press conference, the group said whistleblowers found election officials in Democratic areas manipulated ballots & campaign mail, potentially influencing the outcome.

    “The whistleblower accounts detail failure of officials in blue jurisdictions to maintain ballot chain of custody, allowing for infusion of fraudulent ballots. The accounts include photos of individuals improperly accessing voting machines & a detailed eyewitness account of breaking sealed boxes of ballot jump drives & commingling those jump drives with others,” said the outfit.

    It adds, “The accounts also reveal multi-state illegal efforts by USPS workers to influence the election in at least 3 of 6 swing states. Details include 100,000s completed absentee ballots transported across 3 state lines & a trailer filled with ballots disappearing in Pennsylvania.”

    Previewing the whistleblower accounts, the Amistad Project said:

    Postal subcontractor Jesse Morgan on Oct. 21 moved 144,000-288,000 completed mail-in ballots from Bethpage, NY, to Lancaster, PA, where his trailer holding the ballots disappears.

    Postal subcontractor Nathan Pease is told by 2 postal workers on 2 occasions that USPS in Wisconsin was gathering 100,000+ ballots on the morning of Nov. 4 to backdate ballots so the ballots would be counted even if they arrive after the statutory deadline.

    Computer expert Gregory Stenstrom of Pennsylvania witnessed a vendor of Dominion machines & local election officials download & update counting machines in violation of election protocol & comingling machine jump drives in violation of protocols & rendering audits impossible without direct forensic access to the machines.

    Postal workers in Traverse City, MI; Coraopolis, PA; Erie, PA & Elkins Park, PA, indicate widespread malfeasance in the Postal Service including backdating ballots, ordering Trump mail be interdicted to be placed in ‘Undeliverable Bulk Business Mail’ bin & emphasizing Biden mail be delivered on time.
