Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Satmar Rebbe Criticizes Heavy Jewish Involvement In Recent Elections; “We Live Here But We’re Not Americans”


So DIN, what do you say now? Don't you say the same thing? Aren't you on the same page?

Well.... yes and no...

I believe in the premise that Jews are "in galus" even in the USA..

But I also believe that the Rebbe is being disingenuous ...

When he says that "“Jews are drawn to US politics and have greatly breached the line between Yisrael and the nations," he really doesn't believe that at all, since Satmar is heavily invested in politics both in local elections and national elections...and in fact they vote in block votes in all elections...

So what happened? The rebbe and his cronies bet on the wrong horse, they were all in for Trump and now he is running scared that Biden will take the $$$$$$$ away from his moisdois haTorah! ...... 

Every year thousands of Satmar chassidim celebrate chaf aleph Kislev, the day the Vayoel Moshe, was saved from the Nazis, by a Zionist. This year, the event was held on a smaller scale due to the pandemic.

During the event, the Satmar Rebbe of Williamsburg, R' Zalman Leib, criticized the heavy involvement of Chareidi Jews in the recent U.S. elections. “Jews are drawn to US politics and have greatly breached the line between Yisrael and the nations. We need to understand that we’re in galus. We live here but we’re not Americans.”

“Rabbeinu [the Ba’al Vayoel Moshe] also used to say this. There was a Jew named R’ Dovid Eichler who once came for the Yamim Hanoraim from Yerushalayim and he told the Rebbe that he also came to collect money in America. On Parshas Vayishlach, R’ Dovid attended a Tish and the rebbe asked him “what are you doing here?”, to which he said “I came to America”. ‘It’s not America here. We have to remember: ‘Ki Ger Hayiti B’Eretz Nochriya.'” [I was a stranger in a foreign land].



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1 comment:

  1. Did he just blink?
    He's acknowledging that all the past politics by politicians to lekk and respect the chareidi voting blocs and throw favors, is painfully over. No use pretending anymore. This country has changed forever, and the rabbi knows what time it is.

    It's over ..!!!!!!

    Interestingly, he just now tells the story of what the Satmar rebbe told the collector that he came to a foreign land, implying that he should have stayed in Yerushalayim. ( No record if the collector asked the rebbe the same question since he himself left EY after Zionists saved him, and moved to Brooklyn )

    Is he hinting that the time to has come to make Aliyah ??!! Is he warming up his chassidim to what's next ??!!
    I know that sounds crazy, but crazier things happened in history before..
    Maybe I'm all wet, but let's see what he has to say again in a few months down the road..
    Let's watch...

    Yenk , sipping coffee at Griene Kuziene's Frishtig Café.
