Sunday, October 25, 2020

When The Rambam Went Up to The "Har Habayis"

What? The Rambam went up to the "Har Habayis?" Why? Don't the Gedoilim pasken that one cannot go on the "Har Habayis" because we are all tumeh?

Not so fast guys.... the Me'eerie also says that one can go up on the Har Habayis, and so did Rabbi Yafet the Rabbi of Akko who accompanied the Rambam. Those are three  Rishonim that rule halachically that one can go up to the Har Habyis today ... ...

So DIN, why talk about this today? Don't we have elections a week away? Shouldn't we focus on the laughing camel, Kamala Harris?

Good question... I just love it when my readers ask great insightful questions...

This past Shabbos was the 6th Of Cheshven ... and on the 6th of Cheshven, the secular year 1165 ( on a wednesday then), led by the then Dayan of Akko, Rebe Yafat, the Rambam, his father and his brother put their lives in danger and went up to the Har Habayis.

The Rambam established the 6th day of Cheshven as a Yom Tov for generations, with prayer, food and drink. 

Where did you get this info? No one seems to know about it ...?

You see.... you don't know about it because you are just a bunch of naive sheep and your rabbis want to keep you in the dark because it doesn't fit their agenda  ....

The Rambam actually wrote this in a letter and that's how I know...

שנת ששה ועשרים ליצירה, יצאנו מעכו לעלות לירושלים , תחת סכנה, ונכנסתי לבית הגדול והקדוש, והתפללתי בו, ביום חמישי, 
ששה ימים לירח מרחשון,
הימים האלו, נדרתי שיהיו לי כמו יום טוב, ותפלה ושמחה בהשם, ואכילה ושתיה.
 אלקים יעזרני על הכל ויקים לי נדרי להשם אשלם אמן
וכשם שזכיתי להתפלל בה בחורבנה, כך אראה אני וכל ישראל 
בנחמתה מהרה אמן

"In the 26th year of Creation, We left Akko to go up to Yerushalyim under dangerous conditions, and we entered the Great Holy Building; we prayed there on Wednesday the 6th day of the month of Cheshven.I vowed that  I will celebrate this date as a holiday, with prayer, food, drink and happiness to Hashem,G-d should help me with everything to assist me in fulfilling my vows, Amein!And just as I merited to pray in its ruins, I and all of the Jewish people should merit to see in its rebuilding, soon, Amein!"

In an additional letter to Rebbe Yafat, the Rambam recalls  this incident with affection and writes:
שאני והוא ואבא מורי זצ"ל ואתה
ארבעתנו הלכנו בבית השם ברגש
" As I and him (referring to his brother Dovid) and my Father my teacher, may this Tzaddik be  remembered for  blessing, and you (rabbi Yefet), the four of us traveled to the House of G-d with reverence"

And in his famous Igeeret Timan, the Rambam repeats this visit for a third time:
יצאנו מן המערב,לחזות בנועם השם, ולבקר מקום קדשו 

" we left from the West, to glance at the Sweetness of Hashem and visited His Holy Abode."

The Rambam was so excited and in awe of his visit, that he established a Holiday on the anniversary of his visit to the Har Habayis and couldn't stop writing about it. To think that their are Chareidie Rabbanim that prohibit their followers to visit the Kotel today is nauseating....

  Now.... I am not going to go into the halachic aspects about going up and I know some of you "Talmeidei Chachamim"  are going to scream ..."Oh  the Rambam knew exactly where to go but we don't"

Well ...  this  reason no longer applies today at all ..
  today in the secular year of 2020, because of recent archeological digs  and advanced science, we now know exactly where we can go and not go . ... and I can bring you historic documents that document the fact that Jews went up to the Har Habayis all the time with the approval of the then Gedoilim... way before we knew where exactly to go ...
But I just wanted you guys to see so that you can do your own research and come up with your very own conclusions...
But those who follow your Rabbanim ... Kol HaKoved... just don't tell us what to do ..we have Gedoilim that pasken that one can go up ...

also I'll let you into a little secret... most "Gedoilim" paskened that way because they were afraid of what the Arabs would do...
 Today B'H, frum Jews go up every single day without incident and its important to support them (even if you personally are against this) because by going up they are showing the world that the Har Habayis belongs to the Jews and that we refuse to hand over sovereignty to the Arabs. 



  1. It would be helpful if you can post a link of an organization that gives tours up there. I tried doing this on my own and was lost on how to go up to har habyis, especially if you want to take your daughter.

  2. On the 7th of each Chodesh many Shules go up in groups ...about 7:30 Am .... also there are Chareidie Jews that go every single day in groups... so if you wait by the gate .. and ask they will allow you to join them ...... its best to go early...
    know that its safe .. and there are actually few arabs that are there since the Palestinians have been boycotting the Har Habayis for months.....

    1. True, but you need mikvahs. It will be great if there is information on all this

  3. 2:25
    Those who join a chareidie group to go up are told in advance to go to the mikvah and not wear leather shoes..
