Friday, August 28, 2020

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks: ‘I’m Afraid American Jewry Is Making A Big, Big, Big Mistake’ For Injecting Themselves In Politics

I respect Rabbi Sacks but I think he knows absolutely nothing about the USA ....
someone commented :
Jews supporting Biden are on the wrong side of history. Jews, must support President Trump because of each and every promise he made and has kept. It would be one thing if he was now running against a “moderate”, where the country really wouldn’t sway too much one way or the other. But Biden and the Liberal Left are certified lunatics who want to destroy the very fabric of this country and turn us into a socialist state. I don’t think foreigners like the rabbi fully understand what is at stake here. It’s not about laying low and staying out of politics. It’s about the survival of America as a capitalist democratic republic, and not handing it over to to radical socialists.

 American Jewish rabbis are erring by endorsing — and opposing — President Donald Trump, according to Jonathan Sacks, the former chief rabbi of Great Britain who said he has always studiously avoided showing an affinity for any particular candidate.
In a Jewish Telegraphic Agency interview, Sacks, who was chief rabbi from 1991 to 2013, said that even as he grew close and provided advice to political leaders of many stripes, he never endorsed any or allowed rabbis under his supervision to engage in political advocacy or electioneering.
“I can see that that is not the case in America. And I’m afraid American Jewry is making a big, big, big mistake,” Sacks said. “This is not a small thing. It’s a very, very big thing.”
Sacks made the comments in response to a question about Shmuel Kamenetsky, an influential haredi Orthodox rabbi who recently said that Jews should vote to reelect Trump out of gratitude. Another Orthodox rabbi, Aryeh Spero, blessed Trump and his reelection campaign this week at the Republican National Convention.
On the left, rabbis frequently wade into partisan political issues and even argue for specific political candidates in their personal capacity. (U.S. nonprofits, including houses of worship, face penalties if they engage in prohibited political activity as organizations.)
The consequence of blurring the line between politics and Judaism can be significant, Sacks said.
“You mix religion and politics, you get terrible politics and even worse religion,” he said, adding later, “I’m afraid I have absolutely not the slightest shred of sympathy for anyone who, as a rabbi, tells people how to vote.”


  1. I think Rabbi Sacks should not comment on this. He does not live here in the States. Places are different.

  2. “I’m afraid I have absolutely not the slightest shred of sympathy for anyone who, as a rabbi, tells people how to vote.”
    As an Am Haaretz I have not the slightest shred of respect for a Rabbi who speaks without understanding the topic he speaks about.

  3. This is not about where you live this is about a deeper understanding of separation of church and state , look at the damage in the holy land when religious jews take sides by affiliation of religion how it erodes ahavas yisroel and Families , when political agenda end up taking presedence over torah and halacha
