Sunday, August 23, 2020

Avi Shafrin's Fetish With Biden/Harris Continues in Ami Magazine

In this week's edition of Ami Magazine, Avi Shafrin under the headline:"This Column Is Not About Your Vote," slobbers over Kamala Harris.
"The indictments of Harris are hogwash," he smugly writes.

So what are the "indictments of Harris" that he is writing about?
1. Harris "does not stand with Israel and the Jewish community" and that 
2. "she voted against an anti-BDS bill" 
3. Harris " refused to answer the pleas" of some Jewish organizations "to act against anti-Semetic activities on campuses, and that she wants
4.  "to put the US back into the disastrous Obama-Biden nuclear deal with Iran."

Before we go any further, know that the DNC Delegates voted to remove "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance and that though Biden condemned Linda Sourser, they allowed her to address the DNC Convention and gave her a platform....
and while Harris has been depicted by Shafrin, the useful idiot, as a moderate, her chief of staff, Karine Jean-Pierre was the national spokeswoman and senior advisor for MoveOn; the radical group has a long history of trafficking in anti-Semitism and attacking the State of Israel. 

We must never forget that when Ilhan Omar executed her first round of anti-Semitic remarks, Kamala Harris defended the racist politician against her Jewish critics by warning "that the spotlight being put on Congresswoman Omar may put her at risk."  

In other words, what Harris is trying to tell us dumb Jews is that Omar's anti-Semitism wasn't threatening Jews, but Jewish protests were threatening the bigot. 

Then Harris insisted that, "there is a difference between criticism of policy ... and anti-Semitism," but Harris never bothered to explain how Omar's anti-Semitic tropes were mere "policy."
and while the Palestinian witch, Rashida Tlaib wouldn't endorse Biden she hailed Kamala Harris as Vice President, which tells us that Tlaib know a lot more about Harris than Shafrin does. 

Going back to Shafrin's nauseating "hidden" continual push to have naive Jews vote for Democrats, he chastises Harris's critics who claim that Harris "does not stand with Israel and that she voted against an anti-BDS bill."
The Liar Shafrin  calls this critique "hogwash," ignoring the facts staring him in his face.... 
The facts are that  Kamala Harris did vote against S.1 an "anti-BDS resolution," stating that this bill could "limit Americans First Amendment rights;" she was joined by Bernie Sanders and "Pocahontas" Warren.

Liar Shafrin writes  "hogwash" that Harris "does not stand with Israel and the Jewish Community...

Well let's look at what Harris actually believes:
She believes in a two-state solution, meaning she wants Israel cut up into small tiny pieces with enemies that want to destroy her living side by side.... (see what happened when we left Gaza)..and she was against the US recognition of the Golan Heights as Israel....which Israel needs for security... 

Finally, the liar, Shafrin, says Harris's position to put the "US back into the disastrous Obama-Biden nuclear deal with Iran," is no different than Trumps....
in other words, after calling this "hogwash" he admits that this is Harris's position.... but that he thinks that Trump would "also go back to the deal."

You see, puny Shafrin, thinks frum Jews are ignorant fools .....
We all know that it was Trump that pulled out of this murderous deal and, no, he is never going back to the Iran deal the way it was written...
Trump did say that he is willing to talk to Iran and drop sanctions....
but that is only when these murderers stop threatening the USA and Israel... 


  1. Avi Safrin(Safrin as SARF in Yiddish FAHRBRENT)should be boycotted. Investigation on his IRS filings and if he has any sexual misconduct against him. Rav Eliezer Silver Zt"l would have him Cheremed!

    There should be demonstrations in front of his house. He is a Rosho and Ochar Yisroel. During the Holocaust he would have been a JUDENRAT/KAPO!

  2. EXPOSE: Democratic gentile & Jewish anti Semites aired among other eletricfying shows Monday & Wednesday 10 AM & 6 PM New York time. Go to

  3. Together with Friedlander, Simcha Eichenstein and all those heretics, liberals that vote Democrap-.
    According to Rav Avigdor Miller, Z"l, All those that vote democrat, regardless of the self serving interest are real apikusrsim "li'mehadrin".

  4. Shafran was on the Hanhala of Kerem yeshiva where his old pal Matis Weinberg was molesting the bochurim until he got wind the police were coming and fled to Israel.

    Because Shafran always has a filthy, hidden agenda for all of his weird behavior, I wonder if the meshumod married to Kamel-Face Harris was the lawyer who had Kerem on retainer.
