Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Nissim Black Needs Our Prayers

ניסים ברוך בן שרה לרפואה שלימה 
My good friend and neighbor Nissim Black is unfortunately very ill with the virus and needs our prayers.
Nissim Baruch ben Sarah 
He has many children all under the age of 12 who need their father!



  1. did his kids ever get into a yeshiva?

  2. 1:55
    In Bet Shemesh we consider all Jews .. Jews
    Yes ..his beautiful kids are in Yeshivah and accepted ..

  3. I love your blog, but have you ever considered how your good friend or other black Jews would feel if they read your blog and see how you often refer to blacks with negative overtones such in the link below (and sometimes refer to them with the yiddish term which is well known as a slur, especially when used in a sentence that is otherwise in English)

  4. 7:52
    In Yiddish the term is "Shvartzer"...there is no other word first language is Yiddish

    To me a Jew is a Jew ... and I love them all ....

    Tubman was unfortunately a slave ... a black one ... yes

    If you read her own story you would have read that her free ancestors were kidnapped by some "evil negroes" (her words) and sold to white men... ....
    no one should ever be in her circumstances and no one deserves to be a slave, black or white...

    Having said that, for a frum Jew to compare Tubman to Moshe Rabbeinu is sick... only a sick bastard like Friedlander would do something like this...
    BTW I'm into all kinds of music even Rap...
    When was the last time you heard a rap song from a black rapper?

    Most of Rap songs refer to themselves as "niggar"or better "niggeh"
    My using "shvartzer" is a compliment ....

    What should I call them "South Africans?"
    I have a White friend who calls himself "South African" ...
    Should i call them just "Black" well that's exactly what I called them except I used the Yiddish term...
    If you notice you will see that I use a lot of Yiddish in my rants..
    thanks for following my blog ..
    And I love all people as long as they don't burn down my store and let me live ...

  5. Shvartz was always the Yiddish word for the color Black.

    Do you know how it one day supposedly became "racist"?

    There was a secular shvantz in the late 1980s who wrote a book on the Yiddish language. He figured out that to promote himself & attract interest to fuel sales of the book that he will approach non-Jewish media to tell them, hey! I am outing my people in my book that they use a "racist" word that is the Yiddish "equivalent" of nigger. The media of course ate it up. So not only was the author a Kapo but also a greedy liar.

  6. Use Listerine It kills thge virus

  7. Using it in Yiddish or in yeshivish English with half the words in Yiddish can be neutral, but to use it in a regular English sentence is an outright slur. And even if I'd be wrong, you can't ignore the way others perceive it.

  8. 6:37
    The "Blacks" themselves call themselves "Niggeh" "Nigger" ...
    Listen to their stand up comics ...Listen to whom they idolize...the Rappers they use "niggeh" "nigger" in every single song ... If the shvartzers themselves call themselves these nick names ....then the word "shvartzas" can and should be used in any context ...
    "How others perceive it?" who are the "others" ..whites? LOL
    It's certainly not the "blacks" ... I work with "blacks" in construction ... they call themselves "nigger" all the time ...
    It's the whites that are all of a sudden offended...
    If the "blacks" were offended they would have started a campaign amongst themselves to put an end to it ...they would call out the Rappers and the stand ups... they don't care why are you such a tzaddik "Hershy boy?" ... Worry about your own race ..

  9. Ask one of your black coworkers if they're okay with whites calling them what they call each other. You probably don't have to ask because you know the answer. Why hurt people's feelings? What do you gain out of it?

  10. Hershy
    You want to know my answer?
    DIN just posted "Starving People Rob Food in Shoe Boxes"
    Listen to the Shvartzer narrator
