Friday, June 12, 2020

Mordy Mehlman of FJJ Dedicates More Space to the Death of James Floyd Than to Dr Norman Lamm

Dr Norman Lamm, a distinguished Talmud Chachem, philosopher, teacher and author who faithfully led the YU community as president, and Rosh Yeshivah for 5 decades, was niftar on May 31.

If you are a faithful reader of the FJJ you would have no idea....
in fact Mordy Mehlman the publisher,  dedicated more space to the convicted violent felon James Floyd then he did for this outstanding educator and tzaddik.

In this week's issue June 12 ... he managed to stuff the announcement of Dr. Lamm's petirah somewhere on page 71, 
you had to first go thru some grueling ads for air conditioners, Babshi's Shabbos Pan, The Yellow Door, etc .... before you got to the notice...

In fact a recipe for a Lemon pie taking up a half page was placed on page 21....
a question why boys now want girls to have masters degrees appeared on page 52 ...19 full pages before letting anyone know that this giant passed away...

When a "Letter to the Editor" called him out on this.....
Mordy asks the letter writer to write a tribute!
Mordy himself could not bring himself to say one word about Dr Lamm...
The Black & Whites have taken over ..... it's all over folks...



  1. Dr. Lamm made some statements in the past regarding gays and other matters that shut him down in the chareidi world, dont make believe you don't know that.

  2. Replies
    1. I trust you, but would like to see the source for this Rashi. Thanks.

  3. Dr. Lamm was disgrace to the tora world which you don't believe in I was very troubled that the fjj put in a mention that he was niftar

  4. 11:11
    Your Roshei Yeshivahas with the two buttons on the back are a disgrace...
    Dr Lamm was a modest humble tzaddik ...
    he wasn't a phony like your Rebbes that elect politicians who stand against all Torah values ...
    Hey Did your rebbe endorse the pervert De'Balssio?
    Did he endorse Cuomo who passed the law of allowing gays to get married? Did your rebbe vote for cuomo?
    Did he vote for Nadler? Who stabbed Jews in the Back?
    Did your rebbeleh vote for Crying Schumer whose daughter married another goyteh?
    What example exactly are your "Torah leaders" setting? That you can take your brother to the secular courts?
    so why are they different? Because they eat Schmaltz Herring and Ptcha?
    They are all fakes and phonies ... at least Dr Lamm spoke out on what he saw right!

    1. Guess what my rosh yeshiva didn't wear 2 buttons in the back. He was very modest. His name was rav avraham pam. He was actually a teacher of dr lamm, and when dr lamm requested to meet with rav pam the latter's response was to tell dr lamm we have nothing in common anymore. This is a very strong comment from rav pam for anyone who knew him. It should be noted that mordy melhman is a student of rav pam.I think he is justified in following in the ways of his great teacher who was known to be a very accepting and loving person yet when it cames to certain issues he stood up for the godful truth!

  5. 11:11
    All the Boro-Park/ Williamsburg/ Flatbush askanim endorsed all the Democratic candidates that voted or directly influenced "toiveh" laws in New York State ...

    Chassidic and Litvishe Gedoilim all endorsed these candidates that stand or stood for values not in sync with our Torah values and with the values that they themselves taught
    To say anything against Dr Lamm is pure Loshon Hara and "Asid Leetein Din Ve'Cheshbon" ...

  6. The Democrats and evil media collaborators are in the midst of destroying these Unites States of America.
    For eons, the ASSkonim pushed us to vote for them.They brought the candidates to rabbonim in their homes beladen with bowls of Chiquita bananas and Bolivian arbess. Slammed shiny yarmulkes on their heads and photo-oped away.An ASSkan a rabbi.
    Democrats who destroy our Constitution, values, religion and orchestrating a criminal coup d'etat against a duly elected innocent president.Now trying to shut down free speech and terrorizing neighborhoods. All Democrats....An ASScan a Democrat...
    I don't know much about Dr. Lamm. ... but I never heard said that he was part of thi$$$$$$$$ cabal engaging in thi$$$$ $$$$ tuff. Have you ?
    This uber farchenukked hashkafa that's pervading our world is driving away Jewish youth also.
    I may have more to add if I see more attacks on Dr. Lamm. ..

    the derby...

    typed by Linke Lallka... blame her for typos. Sorry, but her photo has been PhotoShopped out of my album.But for you single farchenyukkte frummies who want her right profile pic , closeup toes shot, height shot and nose shot...I'll let her know.. She's also got 200,000$$$ extortion money available.

  7. Mordy,
    How about the murder of Ari Fuld , the American born prominent pro - Israel international activist last year?
    To my recollection your paper hardly mentioned him... certainly not on page 1 where it belonged. You ran some other story that week .
    But you have a couple of anti-Zioni rabbi columnists who have bashed Israel pretty good on a sucker-punch basis. I don't know about now , since I no longer read your paper.

    The Bim-Bam Gonie

  8. If DIN really KNEW Stormin' Norman, I'm sure he would not be such an enthusiastic supporter.

    Did you know he was in favor of women "rabbis"?

    What about how he covered up for all the scumbag child molesters coming at night to the MTA dorm?

    Radiner is mistaken as there is a group of rabbonim led by the Mir Ocean Pkwy roshei yeshiva who only endorse non-toyeva inclined politicians.

  9. Marmorosher child abuseJune 12, 2020 at 8:49 PM

    The peasants in Willy sent dozens of kids to block a street while holding signs & chanting "we want camp". None of the kids were wearing masks.

    In NJ, the Attorney General instructed police forces to lay child endangerment charges against parents and/or mechanchim operating illegally in such cases.

    The big baby anti-vaxx Rebbes first sent a letter with an arrogant tone to Cuomo making demands on camps & yeshivos. A few days later they just went ahead & opened all their yeshivos in Monsey to test the water if Ed Day will send police raids like de Blasio does in the City. Day is a big mouth hypocrite who criticizes Cuomo for inaction but then does nothing himself.

    The peasants will probably open all the camps in a dare to the Sullivan Sheriff to do something about it. They don't even have enough deputies to police them all.

    The peasants are being advised how to play cat & mouse with the police by the Agudah Fresser lawyer who represented menuvol Mordechai Tendler. He is probably also advising Philly who already sent their mesivta to a secret location in or around Kiryas Yoel, figuring they are safer from police raids there then they are from the Philly PD.



    YU argued that a victim of molester "rabbis" George Finkelstein & Macy Gordon (plus the cover up by Norman Lamm & the Board) should not be allowed to hide behind the John Doe pseudonym because it interfere's with YU's right to due process.

    The Judge tells YU here to take a hike, the victim can call himself John Doe because it's in the public interest to have the case decided on it's merits & victim anonymity is not a shter to that.

    The YU akshonim are digging in, having filed an appeal to this ruling 4 days ago.

  12. ....And ran that venomous, putrid column by the Israeli arch hater Yaakov Shapiro of Far Rockaway... why ?

    Bim-Bam Gonie


    Satmar macht choizek at the direction of their Agudah Fresser lawyer.

    They keep violating all the laws big time & when they are caught they offer up some bogus excuse, basically daring Cuomo & the Counties to do something about it.

    The KJ Beis Medrash is packed to the rafters here literally. Satmar farentfers to News12 that it's legal because it's a synagogue, not a catering hall. News12 rebuts that synagogues can only be 25% capacity. Satmar comes back with a straight face that oh yes if not for the pandemic there would've been 4 times as many guests. Take a look at this video, they would be lucky to squeeze another shtik matjas herring in there. And what is the limit from the Fire Dept? The "25%" must already be in violation.

    In Monsey, it's obscene how the yeshiva buses are going around picking up 1000s of kids waiting with knap sacks & lunch boxes. Do you know what kind of aivah it creates? And the goyim are blowing their stacks even more that politicians won't act because they are zoynos for the heimishe vote. Thanks to this shutfus of corrupt heimishe & government officials, the virus will keep exploding out of control.

    And from both the Satmar-Vizhnitz & Philly inspired there are a bunch of gangsters now who are publicly shaming & viciously threatening any heimishe Yidden who say one word to indicate they are following all the gedolim who warn these behaviors are assur mid'Oirreisseh!

  14. To YU - Torah Madua
    Devorah in Tanach was a "Lady Rabbi" and not only that she was in the Jewish army and actually led it ...
    The daughter of the Baal Shem Tov became a "lady Rabbi" and there were others in Jewish Chareidie history ...
    I'm all for "Lady Rabbis" I didn't know that Dr. Lamm supported that but now all I have to say כל הכבוד
    If he covered for the MTA dorm molesters... he has a lot of company... so did both Satmar Rebbes... bit Bobover rebbes and Rav Gifter from Telz....
    As for the "Mir Ocean Pkwy roshei yeshiva who only endorse non-toyeva inclined politicians." is an oxymoron...

    YU Chutzpa
    Who cares? Move on....

  15. Meanwhile rebbetzins are out there taking control. They're giving shiurim all over , writing columns, giving workshops and speaking to full rooms.
    They're rebbetzins , not officially rabbis , but who cares. If Dr. Lamm meant them __ then kudos.
    Let the male rabbis pasken halachas to individuals ; I'm good with that.
    But rebbetzins all over the world are involved in yiddishkeit and that's great.

    Rebbetzin Tammy Kol Tuv

  16. 10:19
    Dr Lamm had thousands of talmidim that loved and adored him ...
    and they deserved at least the same respect that Mordy has for the blacks that mourned the Black convicted violent felon. If he wants to "stand up for the godful truth" he should get out of the publishing business.
    As one of the comments pointed out...Mordy gave a forum to a "sonei Yisrael" the author of that filthy lying book "The Empty Char" and refused to allow a rebuttal.........I wonder what his rebbe felt about that.

    1. Mohammed had thousands of talmidim that loved and adored him....

  17. Rav' Pam's Talmud MuvhakJune 14, 2020 at 8:22 AM

    Baruch Dayan Emes. He was a True mentch and spectacular Talmud Chachum. He was a brilliant person who understood people and possessed true integrity and character. He served and led Yeshiva University with dignity and vision. He was a Talmud of Rav Soloveichik and a Rebbi for so many. It is so sad that we don’t have people like this anymore who can bridge the modern world with authentic Torah and Yiras Shamayim. He saved the Yeshiva with sweat and blood during the difficult years after he became President. Mi Yiten Lanu Temuraseinu. If only our generation could be educated to understand and appreciate who he was and what he accomplished for Klal Yisroel. In addition to his magnificent legacy, he was zocheh to leave behind truly wonderful children who are Talmeid Chachamim, Yarei Shamayim, and distinguished Baalei Chesed. Yehi Zichro Baruch. We will miss you.

  18. He was a brilliant man, ahead of the game. He realized 30 years ago which compromises need to be made. Everyone shouted at him but now they’re all making the same compromises hush hush.
    Read all those really small advertisements all yeshivas put in the back of newspapers.

  19. I'm surprised at you DIN, because you usually make sense.

    Go learn the meforshim on Nach. Yes Devora was a Shofetes but because she was also a Neviah it was not a steera to a woman not supposed to be a rabbi because the 2nd ability only made her a conduit for dvar Hashem, she did not posken anything herself. Some meforshim ask so why not anyway appoint a man who is more appropriate in that shteller? Because there was a hoyroas shaah for that dor that Devora had special koychos that were needed even beyond nevuah at a time when all the men of the dor were chicken livered cop outs against the oyvim. HKBH made the decision, not some Liberal feminist am haaratzim from today.

    What else did Stormin' Norman accomplish after dropping out of Torah Vodaas to become an "enlightened" moderner? How many neshomos were destroyed on his watch in the high school because Macy was sodomizing them with toothbrushes or George playing with their woody or because Richard Andron who didn't even belong in the building had free reign to rape?

    Stormin' Norman's nephew Chuck Young is also a molester.

    Stormin' Norman did nothing while his sister & her kids were viciously abused by that monster Auslander

    Stormin' Norman's own son went to Federal prison for what has got to be the dumbest crime ever, especially when committed by a guy who was pretty smart. If he would have let Satmar chevra live in the Bloomingberg houses for free it would have cost him a lot less than the cockamamie fraud to make it look like people lived there.

    And you justify YU crimes because others did the same thing? Give us all a break! YU continues to act with immoral impunity & say sweep it under the rug? What happened to DIN the victim champion?

    What did Rav Gifter know btw as I've never heard that & it hasn't come up on any blog

    I don't know why you are mocking the Mirrer roshei yeshiva instead of commending them. They endorsed Erik Saldana who was the only NYC Democrat candidate in many years who is not ashamed to say toyeva is immoral.

  20. 10:19
    "He was actually a teacher of dr lamm, and when dr lamm requested to meet with rav pam the latter's response was to tell dr lamm we have nothing in common anymore. "

    Rav Pam may have been Dr. Lamm's "teacher" but certainly not his "rebbe" as Rav Pam in those days was a "Teacher" in the secular department of Mesivta Torah Vodaath and wasn't a rebbe or a Rosh Yeshiva yet.

    I don't believe for one second that Rav Pam refused to meet Dr Lamm ... .... if that is a true story ... it reflects very bad on the legacy of Rav Pam .........

  21. YU - Torah Madua said...
    Telz in the days of Rav Gifter was the "arei miklat" of all the boys that were thrown out of the yeshivas for molesting others....
    You don't need any "blogs" for that ... you need a good memory!

    As far as what happened on his watch .... YU wasn't any different than Rav Pam's Torah Vodaas....ask Kolko...

    All yeshivos covered these things up... the #Metoo movement wasn't born yet....
    With your reasoning R' Shneir Kotlar is also guilty as he knew of many of his talmidim that were molesters ......many many

    I was and am an advocate for the victim and that's why I actually started this blog ...... but sometimes it's best for the victim to move on ... absolutely ....

    As far as Devorah Ha'Neeviah you can twist this story in Tanach as much as you want ... you can bring all the can even say it was a "horaas shaa" but it doesn't change the facts...
    She started an army she led the army and she was a "Shofetes" for Am Yisrael.... and not only that but Shmuel Hanavie decided to include this important part of Jewish history in the Tanach as a lesson...
    If he would have skipped over it, nobody would have been the wiser,,
    the fact that it was included means that it's actually not a "horaas shaa".... its something that all of us should learn ....
    I find nothing wrong with woman rabbis... they actually have more yirei shamyim..
    watch the Belzer Rebbitzen who should really be the rebbe...

    At any rate it doesn't change my mind .... the post about Mordy dumping Dr Lamm stands true ...
    Hey ... we don't have to agree on everything...
    I do thank you for following me

  22. When I was a little kid there was talk about some gays being thrown out of Telz which does not indicate a cover up. What is the story that you know?

    Which Kolko was in Torah Vodaas, uncle or nephew? I would find it hard to believe that Rav Pam ztl would not throw a molester out when he was in charge if he knew about it. Rav Pam was from the yechidim at Agudah meetings who was fighting the cover ups engineered by Philly, along with Shmuel Bloom and Agudah's lawyers. He was very emotionally strained when he fought them, shouting that it's against kol Hatorah kula.

    Name me one molester who was molesting while learning in BMG under R' Shneur, whether it mitten zman or bain hazmanim.

    How can you tell victims to move on from YU when those heartless bastards are still in the process of lying & covering up and have never made amends or even shown any remorse? Especially these smug hypocrites who mouthed off for years that only Charedim cover up.

    It's not me who you criticize for "twisting" Nach. I am only quoting the Rishonim and as the Brisker Rov reminds everyone, the Rishonim said everything from Chazal, they did not invent anything.

    I never said there is not a lesson to be learned from a hoyroas shaah.

    I do enjoy your blog. Everyone makes mistakes & I think if you carefully go through the meforshim on Devora you will see it is a mistake to use her as a basis for women rabbis which is a corrupt meshugass introduced by koifrim in modern orthodox or open warpedodox clown suits. That Rebbitzen Tammy may be the one from Baltimore married to the Open Warpedodox rabbi in Baltimore Harbor.
