Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Foreign Minister of Germany The Country That anihilated 3/4 of the Jewish People Calls Annexation Illegal

What Chutzpah, what unmitigated gall? 
Telling Jews not have whats theirs.... telling Jews that they cannot build in their own country....... 
This FM represents a country that not only threw us out of every single European country but was directly responsible for the murder of 3/4's of the world's Jewish population.... instead of being embarrassed of the barbaric behavior of his fellow citizens just one generation ago .... he comes here trying to convince Jews not to annex.... does anyone else see this hypocricy? Or is it only me..
Visiting German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas on Wednesday restated his country’s opposition to unilateral Israeli annexation of parts of the West Bank, but stopped short of announcing possible punitive measures Berlin could take if Jerusalem goes ahead with its controversial plan.
“I reiterated, and will continue to do that in my conversations today, the German position and explained our serious and honest worries, as a very special friend of Israel, about the possible consequences of such a move,” Maas said at press conference at the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem at the beginning of his one-day trip to the region.
“We share these views with our European partners, and we are of the view that an annexation would not be compatible with international law, and we therefore continue to stand for an agreed and negotiated two-state solution,” he added. “And to get closer to the goal of a negotiated agreement it needs new creative impulses to revive talks.”

“We share these views with our European partners, and we are of the view that an annexation would not be compatible with international law, and we therefore continue to stand for an agreed and negotiated two-state solution,” he added. “And to get closer to the goal of a negotiated agreement it needs new creative impulses to revive talks.”
Maas said Germany stands ready to help Israelis and Palestinians explore different ways to resume peace negotiations, stressing that he had come to the Middle East to listen to the sides and not to pronounce threats.
“I have not set up any price tags at all,” he said in response to a reporter’s question about possible sanctions, adding that the European Union member states have agreed to “seek dialogue” with all sides.
“Now is the time for diplomacy and for dialogue,” he said, adding that while he made the European position clear to his Israeli interlocutor, he does not believe in policymaking that is based on threats.“The result that we are looking for is peace in the region, that’s what’s important for the people here in the region. And I don’t want to [discuss possible sanctions] as long as no decisions have been made.”
Maas, a Social Democrat known as a staunch supporter of Israel, is the first senior foreign dignitary to visit Israel since the latter’s new government was formed last month. His visit comes mere weeks before Germany takes over the rotating presidencies of both the United Nations Security Council and the European Council and is thus likely to play a critical role in moderating the international community’s response to possible Israeli annexation.
Ashkenazi welcomed Maas to Jerusalem as a “close friend of Israel,” assuring him that he was closely listening to the German position and vowing to “take it into consideration.
“There are currently significant regional opportunities, most notably President [Donald] Trump’s peace initiative. It is an important milestone for the region, and it represents a significant opportunity,” Ashkenazi said in his statement.
“The plan will be pursued responsibly, in full coordination with the United States, while maintaining Israel’s peace agreements and strategic interests. We intend to do it in a dialogue with our neighbors. Israel wants peace and security.”


  1. The Germans have no right to preach to us anything.

  2. Neville Chickenliver ChamberlainJune 11, 2020 at 8:34 AM

    Cool! This sounds like the first annexation that Germany has a say in since Hitler!

    Has China condemned Israel yet? They annexed Tibet in 1950.

  3. Turkey has illegally annexed 50% of Cyprus in
    1977 and no one give a f... ever since then.
