Thursday, June 4, 2020

Dov Hikind Goes Off the Deep End and Calls on Jews To Attend Solidarity Rally For Floyd

I agree that he didn't deserve to be killed by a cop whose job is supposed to protect us... 
but the person Dov is  making into a hero is a criminal who spent five years in jail for committing holdups and robberies.

Floyd was a career criminal. He broke into a woman’s house (black lady) and put a gun to her stomach and robbed her Jewelry. 
Nice hero. Let’s stand up and honor this bum.

I know why Dov is doing this... to tuchis lekk the blacks ....
It won't work .... we marched with Martin Luther King and three Jewish boys were even murdered for the civil rights cause ...
What did we get in return? 

Al Sharpton instigating riots that ultimately killed Yankel Rosenbaum z"l 



  1. What about Jewish lives matters when blacks continue to assault.jews in crown heights to this day.

  2. FDNY guy in Broad ChannelJune 4, 2020 at 3:47 PM

    Is Dov going to apply Blackface in honor of the event?

  3. Yep well said. Jews bankrolled the civil rights movement and zero gratitude from blacks today. Name one black leader that has come to Israel defense during any of the intifadas or terrorists attacks in the last 50 years. The only blacks that support Jews or Israel are called Uncle Toms and are not liked by the majority or blacks. It is truly shameful that Jews run to kiss up to ppl that would never ever defend them if it was the other way around. We Jews are suckers and losers for everyone else

  4. Old JDL friend of DovJune 4, 2020 at 6:09 PM

    You might be misunderstanding. Maybe Dov is really just giving a shiur in parshas Noach. I mean look at that ugly face. He's got the most exaggerated features ever in the 5 physical manifestations of kilelas Chom ben Noach, bifrat the af & sfosayim.

  5. The Chassidishe peasant types had THOUSANDS of their kids this morning waiting at bus stops with knap sacks & lunch boxes waiting to be taken to yeshiva.

    Ramapo Police, as is well known, will do absolutely nothing.

    The Rockland Sheriff, it depends how angry Ed Day gets that he might order a token enforcement action. Even if he does they will probably start that shpiel from the Satmar Aronis in KJ as advised by their Agudah Fresser lawyer to tell responding officers all kinds of bubba maysos how the kids are not technically attending yeshiva, they are there for some other implausible purpose.

  6. Let's see if Ezra Friedlander, the Liska tuches lekker, participates and tweets his photo there to his ultra-liberal buddies.

  7. Barack Hussein Obumbum inciting Anarchy againJune 5, 2020 at 4:41 AM

    Former president Barack Obama presented his take on the civil unrest that has griped the nation, urged mayors to enact policing reforms developed during HIS administration and spoke directly to young people of Color, telling them “your lives matter.”

    In his first public remarks since protests over the death of George Floyd alighted cities coast to coast, the nation’s first African American president described the events of the last week “as profound as anything that I’VE seen in MY lifetime.”

    Obama said HE sees an awakening in the country to the challenges and fears Blacks endure. The confluence of the coronavirus pandemic’s disparate effect on Black communities and the killing of Floyd, a Black man, by a police officer, who is white, has exposed America’s SYSTEMIC racial injustices, he said.

    Obama said HE'S been heartened by the young Black people mobilizing these demonstrations, noting that Black youth have led nearly every major social change in the country. He noted that unlike the 1960s civil rights movement when African Americans mostly marched alone, the protesters now represent a cross section of races.

    And he said HE'S encouraged that a majority of Americans believe the protesters are JUSTIFIED.

    “That wouldn’t have existed 30 years ago. There is a change in mind-set that’s taking place, a greater recognition that we can do better,” Obama said.

    Obama made HIS remarks during a town hall hosted by HIS nonprofit, MY Brother’s Keeper Alliance, created to address gaps in opportunity for Black men and boys.

    He focused most of his comments on the need for police reforms, imploring local leaders to implement policies devised by a task force HIS administration created after the unrest in 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri, after the killing of another Black man, Michael Brown, by a white police officer.

    Obama said that those criticizing the protests should remember that America was founded on protest.

    “And every step of progress in this country, every expression of our deepest ideals was won through efforts that made the status quo uncomfortable,” he said.

    Shortly before Obama’s event, former president Jimmy Carter released a statement on the “immorality of racial discrimination.

    “WE need a government as good as its people, and WE are better than this,” Carter said.

    Obama spoke directly to young Black people, telling them, “I want you to know that you matter. I want you to know that your lives matter, that your dreams matter.”

    “So I hope that you also feel hopeful, even as you feel angry, because you have THE POWER,” Obama continued, “and you have helped to make the entire country feel this is something that’s GOT to change.”

    Without addressing President Trump by name, Obama also called on protesters to “MAKE people in power UNCOMFORTABLE” as the nation reels from a week of violent clashes, mass looting and huge marches which have brought cities to a standstill.

    Obama said the enormous demonstrations nationwide were the result of “structural problems in the United States.”

    “They are the result of a long history of slavery and Jim Crow and redlining and institutionalized racism that have been the plague, the ORIGINAL SIN of our society,” he said.

    Obama said the mass mobilization of young people made him feel optimistic.

    “As tragic as these past few weeks have been, as difficult and scary and uncertain as they have been, they’ve also been an incredible opportunity for people to be awakened to some of these underlying trends,” he said.

    The president then offed a second sales pitch for HIS "MY Brother’s Keeper Alliance", a nonprofit run by the Obama Foundation which aims to help opportunity-starved Black men, and called on cities across the country to align with them.

  8. Politically IncorrectJune 5, 2020 at 5:42 AM

    How is this not a lynching of the police officers?

    Floyd is a dangerous convicted felon who was arrested for stealing. It was legal for the arresting officer to pin his neck with his knee.

    Floyd was coronavirus positive at the time of his death with 5 underlying medical conditions that made him quintuple high risk immunocompromised.

    Floyd was (1) overweight with (2) heart disease & (3) high blood pressure and he was high on the illegal narcotics (4) opioid fentanyl and (5) methamphetamine! He "couldn't breathe"? That's pretty common with virus patients who don't even have a single underlying condition, let alone FIVE. But all that the Left Wing media wants you to hear is that Floyd was a tayera baal midos who was "murdered" because this is what Trump's America is all about.

    Meanwhile a NY Fire Chief was removed from his position today because he appropriately called the rioters & looters a bunch of pavement pounding apes.

  9. These protests are not for changing the way police rrspond or for reforming the arrest system. They are for Black supremacy. They are to foment more hatred for the President. Read this:

  10. Hashem is plaguing the president with the country's ills of coronavirus and protests because he wants to divide Eretz Yisroel even further with his deal of the century.
