Sunday, June 7, 2020

Black Protest Organizer threatens Jews Wants Violence in Diamond District: 'Gasoline ... is awfully cheap'

A Black man identifying himself as "Ace Burns" delivered an ominous threat to New York Jews during a live interview on Fox News, warning that protesters could set fire to Manhattan's storied Diamond District if New York leaders don't meet their demands.

"Today, I'm giving a demonstration from Barclay's Center at 6 p.m. to City Hall, and that's the first stop -- and we're hoping [Mayor] De Blasio and [Gov.] Cuomo come out and talk to us and give the youth some direction," he told Fox News reporter Jacqui Heinrich.
"But if they don't, then [the] next stop is the Diamond District," he said, referring to a block on Manhattan's 47th Street known for jewelry shops. "And gasoline, thanks to Trump, is awfully cheap. So we're giving them a chance right now to do the right thing."
The NYPD said it "identified the took the man [and] took him in to be interviewed" later Saturday.
During his earlier interview, he also showed an "#FTP" hashtag apparently written in marker on his arm. "You know, I'm a leader of this FTP movement. It means a lot of things. It can mean free the people, it can mean for the people, it could also mean fire to property -- and that's very possible."

When asked when the protests would end, the man said that was the wrong question. "The question should be what policies are we going to enact to make people feel safe?"
After his comments aired, Fox News' Eric Shawn condemned the apparent threat. "That person was basically suggesting that they plan to go to the diamond district which is run basically by Orthodox Jews here in New York City -- certainly hope that is not the case and we do not endorse -- in fact, we condemn that type of language here on the Fox News channel," Shawn said.
LinkedIn profile that appeared to belong to Burns said that he serves as the founder of Koinda Records. That company was also found on a Facebook profile that appeared to belong to him. His Linkedin includes a status about a black man who claimed he was racially profiled at Best Buy. “This has to end!!! Racism in our society has to become unacceptable, period!!” the status reads.
The NYPD, mayor's office, and governor's offices did not immediately respond to Fox News' request for comment.



  1. A terrorist making terrostic threats.

  2. The gesheften on 16th Ave in Boro Park have the best (& most hilarious) method of thwarting Shvartza 'potential' thieves - and yet without breaking any profiling laws. I have also seen Korean shopkeepers in the City be mechaven to the same method, but the Yidden somehow generate responses that are more dramatic. They follow the Shvartza around with big eyes watching their every move. When the Shvartzas bend at the waist, they even bend with them, they act as a carbon copy of their every move. One 16th Ave baalabusta is so polite that she even is melaveh Shvartzas for daled amos on the sidewalk when exiting. If she was ever hauled in front of a judge she could bring a raaya from seforim on hachnosas orchim to demonstrate that she is so benevolent that she even applies the halacha to visitors that are not Jewish. So one time I see yener baalabusta in action being melaveh a Shvartzette outside. The kfiyas toiv was poshut astounding LOL. As the baalabusta stops in her tracks at daled amos, the Shvartzette turns around & screams at the top of her lungs: "F****N' RACIST!!!!!!"

  3. The riots were never about Floyd and the demands keep evolving & expanding. They will not be satisfied until they pull a Rhodesia. The Shvartzers took over that country from the Veissers, renamed the place Zimbabwe and proceeded to take from the Veisseh everything they owned; real estate, businesses, metaltelen. If anyone resisted they were assaulted or murdered.
