Monday, May 18, 2020

Fairlawn Women Up in Arms Because Mishpacha Mag Distributes Mag Free but Censors Photos of Ladies



  1. Is Modern Othodox becoming just another tyrannic minority ?

  2. as much as i disagree with the idiotic and childish censoring of womens pictures in any magazine,but this stupid and childish whining by these asinine stupid little SNOWFLAKES YENTES.
    Hey little girl,if you are offended,"just don't read it

  3. the two comments prior to are both utterly dismissive of the concerns mentioned. Perhaps because of your upbringing, perhaps you are both arseholes, but if your daughters read your response, they'd lose much respect for you. As a Father, I get the concerns, and the responses made are typical of an arrogant cult - Jolly old Boys together eh? No we're not. Most of us look right down at you.

  4. Here’s what you outraged women can do to defeat the introduction of Mishpacha Magazine misogyny into your community. Publicize and picket the stores that distribute this claptrap. Become more militant in your denunciation of this crap. Get men to join you also. GROW A SPINE !

  5. I am certainly not qualified to pronounce on the issue of "censorship" of woman and girls from magazines and the like - I can comment on how clearly unqualified the author of this article is IN pontificating on the subject. Witness her words near the end of the article: How do we make it clear that censoring woman and girls is AS UNKOSHER TO US AS TREIF FOOD". That pretty much tells you all you need to know about the author of this article, and most likely, all of those that would showcase, and/or promote her views in respect to Yiddishkeit.

  6. Mishpacha (magazine) - the 'family' you want to keep a distance fromMay 18, 2020 at 6:08 PM

    Mishpacha is trying to expand, they are a business.

    People should not be fooled by the glossy paper and fancy graphics, they have an agenda, trying to make things look great, while glossing over things they would prefer ignored.

    They try to promote the neo Hasidic movement of Reb Moshe Weinberger of Woodmere, they promote him and give him a forum to slam other people, like a choshuv Rebbe at Ner Israel a while ago, who dared question the neo Hasidism of Mishpacha heroes Weinberger and Judah Mischel, the neo Hasidism leader, director of Camp HASC & NCSY, whom Mishpacha want to make into leaders of Klal Yisrael.

    It is part of an effort to reorient the Modern Orthodox to Hasidism.

    It is about time the scam of Mishpacha is exposed.


  7. @ Lourak
    My Grandmother was the frumest of women. Her husband was founder and Gabbai of one of the most well know shteibels in London. She would have been shocked at how, over 50 years women have been subjugated and forced down a path by the so called name of Hashem. She never wore a sheital in her life. There was no need. She had a Bal Habbatish house in which the frumest of Rabbonim would not hesitate to eat.
    Decades later...shmocks like you pontificate about Yiddishkeit?? The Yiddishkeit you speak of would be an alien cult to anyone looking on from 100 years ago. Perverted by Rabbonim and women used as whipping stools for everything from he Holocaust to Coronavirus.
    You Sir, are a primitive. Ask your Rebbe what drek you should parrot next.

  8. Phony Mishpacha needs to be exposed for what it isMay 18, 2020 at 6:25 PM

    Mishpacha recently published a glowing piece on the recently deceased "Yoka Rebbe" of Boro Park, describing him as leaving thousands of followers devastated, making him out as a major Hasidic Rebbe.

    The problem is that he was not that. Someone who presided over a small shtiebel for a short while after his father's passing is not a major Rebbe with thousands of followers. Is every Rebbeleh of every shtiebel a major Chasidishe Rebbe? Give me a break.

    Besides, Yoka used the term Rav for the leaeder of its shtieble, e.g. Yoka Ruv as opposed to Rebbe.

    But in Mishpacha he is a major Rebbe. And the naive sheeple, MO, Modern Haredi, whatever they are, who get Mishpacha, eat up the sheker on the glossy paper presented slickly, as if it was תורה מסיני.

    אוי מה היה לנו

    1. Sorry but I hast googled the article and nowhere did it say he had thousands of chassidic and that he was a huge rebbe. It only spoke of his gemilus chadsadim. Better luck next time

  9. Always take three copies. Two to throw in the trashcan, and one to break their fall.

  10. The word "Modern" Orthodoxy is coming to an end..the world has now changed forever since the Coronavirus started we are entering a new age of Enoightened spirituality where all that will matter is spirituality..all the "Modern" symbols and outlooks of "Modern Society" will start becoming worthless and empty one by one ...

  11. To Anonymous 9:49AM

    If I'm "utterly dismissive", you are the kind of person who judges people out of thin air.

    We do have newspapers at home, and my daughters pretty much agree with me with the subject here.

    I was only pointing out that those "modern orthodox" zealot group might sooner or later become a tyrannic minority in pretty much the same extent as some outrageous feminists and other terroristic vegans - both of them battling and dreaming that the whole world will identifiy as feminists an vegans, just like the communists wanted everyone to become communist.

    If you want to prove your point, avoid the mussar method, and you'll a bit more credible.

  12. The magazine you are talking about is not coming from the Modern Orthodox community.

    It is from the Haredi lite sector. Or upscale Haredi, Modern Haredi, whatever you want to call it.

  13. To 1115am ..Covering Hair for a Women is not a Chumra or Hareidi is something that is demanded by the Torah for all Jewish Woman regardless of their Hashkafa

  14. 5:49
    Before you shoot you mouth off I would suggest a little search in history .......of not too long ago
    One of the biggest accepted poiskim of the previous generation (ve'hameivin yovin)... his wife didn't cover her hair for many years ....
    many women of Russia and the Lita did not cover their hair ....and the gedoilim did not consider the hair of a married woman an "erveh" in those areas ..... many of their own wives did not cover their hair ....and when they arrived to the USA when WW2 broke out ...they continued not covering their hair ...some wore a hat which didn't. cover the entire hair.
    later on when the Chareidie world got "frumer" their wives started wearing Shaitels...
    I can assure you that these rebbetzins who didn't cover their hair were frumer than any Rosh Yeshivos' wife today..
    I knew one of them very very well.....
    11:15 is 100% correct .....when he writes:
    "She had a Bal Habbatish house in which the frumest of Rabbonim would not hesitate to eat. "
    A lot of people are questioning why Hashem brought the virus.... I would postulate that it could because of people like you .... who think they know the halacha ... .... the gemaarah in Gitten says that one of the reasons why the Bais Hamikdash was destroyed was because there were people like you that applied halacha to the strict letter of the law ...
    there are times when the laws have to be relaxed "Eis Laasos L'Shem Heifierah Torahsacha"
    But Ama ratzim don't know the difference!

  15. Expose the scam of Mishpacha magazineMay 19, 2020 at 5:30 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    Sorry but I hast googled the article and nowhere did it say he had thousands of chassidic and that he was a huge rebbe. It only spoke of his gemilus chadsadim. Better luck next time

    May 18, 2020 at 5:48 PM"

    You are either a liar or a fool or maybe just don't know English.

    It is open at the Mishpacha website -


    "The Yoka Rebbe was niftar just four days before his 72nd birthday..........leaving thousands of followers devastated by their inability to accompany him on his final journey."

    Do you see the words "thousands of followers"?? Do you understand English? That is the type of lie like if (Pinchus) Ezra Friedlander would say that his father has thousands of Liska Hasidim. I think even he has not stooped so low to say that. At least not so far.

    Shame on you disgusting liar for trying to deny something so clear and out in the open like that!

  16. To DIN

    You wrote:
    "Many women of Russia and the Lita did not cover their hair"

    Yes, true. But at the same time many heilige people didn't check for shaatnez either (which is medeoraiso). Not because of chutzpa or ignorance: It's just that in those days, it was not a major concern. And some shtetls never even heard about Shaatnez. Same for hair covering...
    So what you bring here is interesting, but certainly not a heter.

  17. 11:34
    You obviously didn't read or understand my comment .....
    I said .....
    that I knew women, one married to one of the greatest (Litvisher)poiskim of the previous generation that didn't cover her hair ... she was a great Tzadeikis...only very late did she get a shaitel...
    I also knew a Chassidishe Rebbe whose wife wore a hat and her hair wasn't covered completely ...
    their husbands were Gedoilei Hador who knew the halacha better than you ... ....
    I'm giving you the facts ... I personally knew these women ....
    I am not going into the "heter" of it ... I am only giving you what I witnessed ...
    Now your comparison with Shatnez has nothing to do with our situation and is not relevant to this conversation and is bizarre ........
    People ought to start boycotting all the business' that have ads in Mishpacha ....ASAP
    There were always photos of women in Frum magazines like the Jewish Observer etc
    This new trend is very sick indeed ....... and that was the point of this article....Mr Shatnez >>>(bizarre)

  18. The traffic goes both ways. I have heard people sneering at chasidim in a manner that I find disgusting. It reminded me of the contempt for Ostjuden expressed in Germany. On the flip side is proving one's piety by shoving women in the closet and nailing the door shut. Then there is mevattling conversions retroactively for narrishkeit. I have two levels of shunning a publication. One is to simply not buy i. Second is to find out who advertises in it and to boycott the advertisers. I think that one major problem seems to be moving to the right religiously and forgetting about G-d. I once was urged to boycott a publication that was out of favour in my community. I told the boycotter "I am unlikely to run into a defender of these points of view. The next best thing is to get a paper advocating their point of view." I'd love to see some mainstream orthodox magazines sitting on the news stand next to some of the black hat ones we have now. Banning? No. Shunning? That is the road I take if I really object to a publication.

  19. Do these women know about the census this week which excluded women?

  20. To DIN 2:52 PM

    Shaatnez is just an example here. I'm not placing Shaatnez above or below hair covering. This was just to tell you that the matsav then and now is uncomparable. In terms of frumkeit, in terms of communication, in terms of social behavior... you name it.
    Applying today what our elders did 100 years ago would simply get things out of control.
    If you need a proof: We are today fressing 1000 times more different foods on Paysach than our grandparents did. They wouldn't have even touched one tenth of what we put on our table on Paysach and this is very understandable. This shows how quickly things can get out of control.

  21. Stop the hefkeirusMay 20, 2020 at 6:38 PM

    This phony Mishpacha magazine promoted a book by a non Orthodox 'Rabbi'.

    Their hero, Judah Mischel, reported that he was reading a book by Joseph Telushkin, who is the spiritual leader of the Temple for the performing arts in the Los Angeles area (, where he serves with Cantor Judy Fox.

    Neo Hasidism leader Judah Mischel, who Mishpacha promotes as a great spiritual leader of our time, is allowed to use this allegedly frum magazine to promote a non Orthodox author's work??

    This is the new frumkeit??

    Lubavitch paid this non Orthodox spiritual minister Telushkin, buddy of apikoros Dennis Prager, to write a book promoting their late Rebbe.

    A shandeh!
