Sunday, April 5, 2020

Harav Dovid Olefsky Rosh Yeshiva Ger Boro Park Passes on

This is a special loss to me as well, since I was for one year a classmate of his in the Gerrer Cheder in Crown Heights .



  1. I used to talk to him in learning. People don't realize what an unbelievable adam gadol.he was. A tragic loss for call yisrael. He should be a meilitz kosher for us all.

  2. After Olewski parted ways with DINApril 5, 2020 at 10:51 PM

    Paul Mendlowitz said...
    Kristen just informed me that she left the Village Voice for personal reasons. I hope to get all the relevant information and her complete file on Leizerowitz, Olewski and Ger.

    I have numerous journalists that would be interested at looking the file.

    She will sorely be missed at the Voice. It was a great learning experience and privilege for me to be able to work with a journalist of this caliber.

    6:47 PM, June 15, 2007

    Anonymous said...
    Lets be clear here. This is not ger cleaning off the dreck on its face. This is a bunch of parents with newly bar mitzva boys who dont want thier bochurim bending over for the likes of Leizerovits but would rather protect the young kids from losing virginity at so young an age and to a fuckin gai mashgiach.
    Even with Leizerovts gone who would trust a kid with enabler Olewsky of agudah fame? that shtick tinof has been covering for and enabling leizerovits since the lakewood story 15+ years ago!
    It remains to be seen if what LVF says about the new mesifta opening will actualy come to fruition or that these parents are as spineless as the YTT parents.
    What would the scale look like if we put olewski on 1 side and margo-batchee on the other? Come to think of it..I don't think the scale could survive.

    12:33 PM, June 18, 2007

    Anonymous said...
    Easy on the foul language. I hear all of ger eats seudos shabbos together in shul this week to comemorate the great loss and passing on to israel of Moreinu harav Avrum Modche Leizerovich Shlita former rosh (head....oh forget it!) mashgiach of the gerrer mesivta who was appointed to the position by the lev smicha and AJ Irinstein. In honor of this first yarzeit zhlub david olewski will speak and reminisc on the many fruitful years of working side by side and front to back with the great digit harav licerowitch. He will quote from the mashgiach's hot and prespiring speaches on the pressing (or sqweezing) topics of shmiras habriss and the danger of wet dreams where the seed goes for naught and the mashgiach gets no satisfaction.
    May his soul rust in pieces and may olewski finaly know some personal peace. (come on, did u have to put in that last jab on his personal life?)

    Dave, u putz. Clean up the mess u enabled or we will never stop harassing u. Take those boys back in yeshiva and get them the help they need (I dont give a damn who forced u to kick them out) and apologize to everyone leizerowicz messed with over these last 20 or 30 years. If u cant id all his victims then do it in public or live the rest of your miserable life in perpetual sin, u scum bag size XXL.

    1:13 PM, June 18, 2007
