Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Bobov 48 Hands Out Dollars Like Chabad ...... Starts New Minhag .... "Yechi Rabbeinu Melech Hamashiach"

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  1. Lol. But some don't chap (catch on) your style and the Satmer lawlessness in your veins. (Satmer is the largest and most aggressive Hasidic sect.)

    You need to reference the singing to FNN. (Fake News Network) No worries, not easy, but what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.

  2. Ben Zion is psychotic

  3. Yes i agree he is psychotic,but not more and not less than all the other so called Rebbes,they should all get up and get themselves a job and earn a living the honest way and not fleece and hoodwink the ignorant sheeples

  4. FYI the singing is from another video.

  5. Avraham aveinu had Yishmael
    Yitchok aveinu had Eisav
    The Bobover Rebbe had Ben Zion Arieh leibish
    There’s a Rasha in every good family

  6. The sound track must be added because they are singing with a Chabad not Bobov accent.

  7. Really. Here's the original video without the overdub https://twitter.com/i/status/1231676051337699331

  8. 12:54
    Din's Video is the real one ....your link is the fake one
