Monday, December 23, 2019

Blacks Have a Chanukah Message for Jews ........

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  1. I have long maintained that the anti-semitisim among the blacks is much worse than among the whites.

  2. She is the perfect example of a mindless moron brain damaged idiot that she is she barks like a vicious pit bull

    1. You know you want to marry her, you sick bastard.

  3. To accuse the Jews, antisemites don't need
    any facts, real ones or fakes ones.
    An antisemite is an antisemite.

  4. Blaming other people is like a drug. It makes people like this bigot lady feel good and contributes nothing to solving any problems. But she's not a racist because she's oppressed, according to the democrats

  5. MA rabbi, it's poshut because the more unrefined someone is the more blatant & crude the anti-Semitism.

    That's why goyim in Poilen have been infamous anti-Semites but Queen Elizabeth of England has an almost polite way of being anti-Semitic. (Her mother was actually a kind woman who was nice to Yidden. Not clear why Elizabeth fell so far from the tree)

    There is btw a Chazal that the Shvartzas will get the worst treatment after bias Goel being that they are the most uncivilized of peoples.

    But don't think the more refined ones are safe. This is what R' Chatzkel Levenstein ztl warned his daughter when they traveled to pre-Hitler Germany for a medical specialist. His daughter was awed that a German goy saw they were overwhelmed & personally walked them to the doctor's office because basically no goy in Poilen would ever do that. He warned her that if Germany passes a law tomorrow to kill Jews, he wouldn't hesitate to kill you!

  6. ymsh, ymsh, and all of those who applauded.

  7. Please change your headline. I know some very fine Black Jews. Also not all non-Jewish blacks agree with her.
