Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Black UBER Driver Sings "Atoo Who'risoo Lu'daas"


  1. https://www.ynet.co.il/articles/0,7340,L-5636200,00.html

  2. Where is that? Al kol ponim it's not very tzniusdik of those women who should hire a woman driver next time.

  3. I hope she doesn't live in KJ because the kanoyim will break her windows & issue an ultimatum

  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2M7ODsMpJM

    the Shvartza Shabbos Goy in the Shul here is funny but they could have also used this Bro with the Chassidishe havureh

  5. The steering wheel is on the right side of the car and based on the prutzah's accent it is probably Antwerpen / Vien / Zurich / Lugano.

    But the Shvartza is wearing a "do-rag" which I thought only American Shvartzas wear. And it looks like he improvised one from a heimishe snood.

  6. To Anonymous 8:50am

    You made me really laugh !! Yes, this video is Made in US.
    First, the girl's accent sounds israeli-american, in case you didn't notice.
    Then, in "Antwerpen, Vien, Zurich and Lugano" the steering wheel is on the exact same side (left side) as in the US, and cars drive also on the exact same side (right side) of the road as in the US.

    The right-hand steering wheel (as well as driving on the left side of the road) is only in England (UK), Scotland, Ireland, AUSTRALIA (and not Vien, Austria), Japan, Thailand, and in very few other Asian and African states.

    England, Scotland and Ireland are the only european countries using this (opposite) configuration.

    On this video, it's the mobile's camera that reversed the image, that's all.

  7. Judge Prutzah (immodest chick),

    What's her other choice? She needed some internet for the shoes she liked, got kicked out of school. Now she misses some Yidishkeit (Jewishness) so is trying to make her boyfriend Chaseedish (Hassidic).

  8. Those aren't the only Europeyisher countries driving on the left side. Add these:

    Channel Islands
    Isle of Man

  9. Are they in Monsey or Lakewood?

  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6HCBcV4j7E
