Monday, November 11, 2019

Posters Against Satmar Rebbe's Visit in Israel Plastered All Over Yerushalyim

It seems that R' Zalman Leib Teitelbaum, Williamsburg Rebbe will be getting a taste of his own medicine ...he isn't going to like this one bit ..

There isn't a block in Meah Shearim that doesn't have posters plastered against the Satmar Rebbe ....

The Kinaim of Meah Shearim are upset that the Rebbe capitulated to the New York Board of Educating and is allowing the BOE to dictate Satmar secular curriculum..

The posters are asking the Satmar Rebbe not to bring his "bribe" money to the holy Moisdois of Yerushalyim ....and they will not take a penny from his "dirty" money ....

"what goes around.... comes around..


  1. satmar is no different than the palastinians
    same philosophy same hatred
    may they rot in hell for eternity

  2. Wouldn't it be great if he just stayed home instead of spending thousands of dollars ripped off from the poorest community in the USA?

  3. satmar is the biggest donor for the poorest communities in Israel (fact) ,his coming and spending this money in to the israeli economy is a good thing ,it looks all of you have got the hatred .

  4. 5:05
    Stop spreading your lies and propaganda ... the amount that he is bringing is pittance compared to what the Zionists are providing for them .... Medical Insurance, Tuition, subsidized bread and milk, subsidized transportation etc etc ......
    A lot still has to be done but the money that he took from the poorest community in the US is a pathetic photo op gesture .....
    the residents of Yerushalyim don't want his tainted money and don't want him here ....

  5. The satmerers love to splurge with other peoples money in boro park alone they get with sec 8 and school vouchers for their kids hundreds of millions of dollars so why not be generous with other peoples money

  6. This filthy traitorous KAPO swine Zalmen yemach shemo,should be arrested as soon as he sets foot on our holy land,and deported to his terrorist friends in Gaza

  7. The Jews who take LSD..the acidic Jews are the least delusional.
