Sunday, November 17, 2019

Badatz Hechsher in Israel Feeding Jews Trief

The Rabbis running the Badatz Kashrut keep reminding frum Jews that are makpid to eat only kosher that the Rabbanut hechsher is worthless ....
So far all kashrut scandals are only with Heimishe products ......

Strauss the chocolate manufacture that has a Badatz Hechsher, announced last week that their bitter chocolate bars with 60% cocoa solids and no added sugar with the barcode 72901-123321 1100 were mislabeled as parve, when they do in fact contain dairy ingredients ..

Strauss is recalling the products ....
Badatz refused to comment ..


  1. "Badatz Hersher in Israel Feeding Jews Treif" ?

    I'd like to see where it's written that dairy means "treif".

  2. Why would this surprise anyone,how in heaven's name can you trust ROTZCHIM ,yes murderers who day and night curse Israel and it's heroic young men and women from Zahal who give their lives in protecting the lives of jews in Israel,including the lives of these traitorous enemy supporting low lifes calling themselves Eidah Hachreidis.
    Do you realize that even a frum jewish soldier cannot safely walk in that stinkin neighborhood called Meah shearim controlled by these Eidah gangsters.
    I would more confidence in a hashgocho given by a drunken gentile than the hashgocho of these traitorous murderous jew hating gangsters

  3. 11:22
    By us Jews we call that "Basar Ve'Chalav" ....
    Most people (not all) buy parve chocolate so theu can nosh on it when they are fleishik..

  4. To: DIN 1:20
    Selling this chocolate, even defect, is no way "Basar Ve'Chalav", let alone treif.

    And "noshing when fleishig" is not Basar Vechalav either: it's called eating dairy AFTER meat (assur derabonon).
    Whereas basar vechalav literally means cooking meat IN dairy (which is prohibited deOiraisso).

  5. 11:49
    How many hours do you wait after eating a hamburger to eat a milk chocolate bar ?
    D'rabbanan Daorisah .... is all word salad .... because the point of Badatz is that they are the most machmir ...and constantly put down the Rabbanut Hashgacha.....
    if this would have happened with a Rabbanut Chocolate bar ... they would be screaming ..... "Treif" "Bassar Ve"chalav"
    That is the point of my post !
    It seems that you don't get it!

  6. Zako, I hope you're not my son in law whom I'm supporting in BMG.
