Friday, September 20, 2019

Belzer Antwerp Chassidishe Lady Begs Frum Community to Intervene With "Sadistic Family" That Runs Belz Girl School


  1. The lady doesn't understand. Every Hasidic sect has their own vaad (squad) to control their people. Some vaad people are very bad by design. They are playing bad cop - good cop to divide and conquer all people who resist.

    They will now destroy her. She now needs to contact Mechon Yoisher (Justice Institute) in New York as soon as possible. (917) 408-3708. They are the only ones powerful enough to stop them from destroying her and everyone she cares about.

  2. NEEEEEBAAAAACH!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Not only Belz Antwerp, there's another Belz girl school that is a horror house
    Hamyvin Yuvin

  4. She should get the FrumReporter to help her publicize. She can also get his Rebbe, Reb Nuchem Rosenberg to take care of this school.

  5. She should get the FrumReporter to help her publicize. She can also get his Rebbe, Reb Nuchem Rosenberg to take care of this school.

  6. September 20, 2019 at 11:46 AM,

    I hope you're not making fun of the victim like the Nazis did.
