Monday, August 12, 2019

Satmar Caves In - Will Teach Secular Studies

If this happened in Israel... 
the Satmar Rabbis would organize "hafganas" and organize protests to tie up traffic for hours .......

But for Satmar Moisdois in NYC there is a double standard!!!!

What?????? DIN?????

What happened exactly ????

As you know the Board of Education is applying tremendous pressure on Yeshivois to implement a secular education...

There is ongoing negotiations with the Board of Education .. with an agency set up by Chareidie Schools called PEARLS, and PEARLS  does all the behind the scenes negotiations...

The BOE has the legal right to pressure Yeshivois , because Yeshivois rake in millions of dollars from Federal and State funds ...
if they didn't, they would be able to teach what they want ,...
once they take the $$$$$$$$$ ... they have to implement the BOE guidelines .....

Satmar mesorah going all the way to the founder of their religion, R' Yoel Teitelbaum z"l was not to teach even secular basics in their holy moisdois .....

Well, it seems that Satmar caved in and will, come September, teach secular subjects ...because they won't give up the mighty $$$$$!!!!!

So what's so bad about secular studies???

Nothing on the surface ...

But they will not only have to teach:
 English ... which is great

Writing .... which is great 

Math, which is great, 

History which is great....

Science ....Not so great, because now they will be introduced to a concept similar to what the  Ramban in Bereishis introduced, stating that the world may be millions of years old ... a no no ... 
(also they are frightened that maybe the kids already learning the Ramban will take a further look in the Ramban in Bamidbar and learn that the Ramban holds that settling in Israel is a Mitzvas Asei Me"doiriiseh, Bizman Hazeh,........ Chas Ve"shalom

and now the clincher...

Biology .... uh oh ...... a no no ...
not only will they learn their own anatomy which they learned in the mikvah, but they will now be introduced to their sisters anatomy too ...

Worse .... they will learn that a guy could to decide to become a rebbetzin ,,,, 
and worse still ... that a rebbetzin can become a Rebbe ....

In addition they will learn that boys marry boys, and that girls marry girls...
And boys if they put on a dress can use a girls bathroom ...

This may actually become their favorite subject ...

But there is a positive side to teaching Biology:
 The parents of the innocent Chassan on the day of his Chupa, will no longer need to shock their "tzaddik" into reality, on the happiest day of his life!!

And you can be assured that he will never look at a bird or a bee in the same way!

The truth is that Satmar is contributing to the Mayor of New York's failing Presidential run ......
The Mayor is married to an avowed lesbian and the Mayor is an advocate of killing babies right after they are born...
He is also big into the LGBT communities ...all abhorrent to the Torah lifestyle but apparently not to the Satmar Shitah!

Now if the Zionist State of Israel would have required that the Moisdois implement secular studies in the Yeshivois all hell would have broken loose...
Satmar would be in the front of all protests  setting up protests in front of the United Nations .... condemning the Zionists for "SHMADING" our innocent Jewish children ...
and they would discuss in all their Shalosh Seudah Toirelech this disgusting heresy perpertrated by the Zionists, and spend the entire time until Maariv cursing the Zionists!

But it's ok for Satmar to "Shmad" their own children and to throw away the holy SHIT"ah of Satmar not to bring in foreign subjects in their holy institutions!

All for the holy Dollar...

In Israel 99% of all moisdois are supported by the Zionist State .... 
Yes absolutely .....
but right now all is quiet on the western front,, because the Zionists are far more supportive of Torah than the Satmar just learned!!!! 

There were a handful of Satmar renegades that were protesting their own Satmar Rabbis that are capitulating to the mighty $$$$$$$


  1. When is the last time satmer protested illegally anywhere and/or blocked traffic etc;?

  2. Satmar will agree to teach whatever, but I wouldn't hold my breath that the entire student body will actually take the "required" courses.

  3. "Satmar mesorah going all the way to the founder of their religion, R' Yoel Teitelbaum z"l was not to teach even secular basics in their holy moisdois ....."

    They used to teach secular subjects years ago (and probably still do so now). Hertz Frankel discusses it in his book, The Satmar Rebbe and His English Principal (

    The issue rather is how much, what exactly, etc.

  4. 6:00 Pm
    Good question ....
    Answer: Satmar ...the Zalonie Satmars, fund Peleg, the Shmuel Auerbach crazies ...they encourage them and incite them!

    The book "The Principal" was written by the fraudster Hertz Frankel ... and in that book Frenkel discusses his job as the principal of the GIRLS SCHOOL! ...
    Helllllowwwwww!!! The Girls School ....

  5. OotCR 8:35

    Yeah, sure, whatever we'll teach it. Wink wink.

  6. DIN: 1:29
    ........Frenkel discusses his job as the principal of the GIRLS SCHOOL! ...

    He says that in the early years he was involved with the boys school as well, or at least advised it. I don't have the book in front of me at the moment to get the page number, etc., but it is in there, I saw it a while back.

  7. What Office of the Chief Rabbi wrote? True dat. The Satmar Community is anything if not resourceful. This will be become an opportunity for Satmar to gat even more money for their schools.

    Here's how the narrative will go.:

    Oh, yes, right we need to teach science, math and history. Wait, our children can't speak English. We have to provide them with textbooks in Yiddish. Oh, right there aren't any textbooks in Yiddish. We have to publish new textbooks. Oh, we will have to develop a whole new program. Who is going to pay for it? The government of course. We have to hire additional qualified staff. Naturally, we will have to give examinations in Yiddish to ensure that the education is up to par with what is being taught in public schools. Of course, we will do everything in our power to comply, but we need more resources.

    Eventually the government will give up, and everything will go back to the way it was.

  8. Biology iz nisht ah prublaim.

    This finger is used for:

    Girls school = ah ringel
    Boys school = kidishin inteh deh chipeh (mit fahmachteh oigen).

    This is a cheek:

    Girls school = doo shmeered mehn zich nooch deh chasineh.
    Boys School = doo chapt meh a poor fraskes.

    These Legs are for:

    Girls School = Shtrimp.
    Boys school = Shvartzeh Zoken in deh vochin in Vahseh Zoken uf Shabbos

    This is your head:

    Girls school: Tzepp farn chaseneh - Oopgoolen deh hoor noochin Chasineh
    Boys School: Paltchegeh hit in deh vochen in hoicheh shtahmil in Shabbos Koidesh.

    These are hands:

    Girls school: tzee kochen in nayin.
    Boys school: os tzee fillen deh applications far hud, fut stemps in velphair.

    You can add your own innovatios.

  9. "teacha"by Gerry albarelli is about his experience teaching "English" subjects in Satmar in the 80s/90s. I know someone (he's actually chabad) who's been teaching secular subjects there for the past few years. They don't do much, but they do teach them at least something.
