Monday, August 5, 2019

"Little Belzer Shmoiger" "Naftuuuuuuli" Mostar Calls Rockland Legislator Aron Wieder a "Renowned Menace"

The little belzer shmoiger with the heavy galitzyaner accent, learned a new word "renowned" ... so he looked for a sentence to use it ...
So he got his chance .... Naftuuuuli Monster used it in his "schnoor" instagram campaign....
He learned to "schnoor" growing up in Belz  ... I guess that "schnoor trait" can't be uprooted so quickly from his galitzyaner background.. ........


  1. Please explain why he's a "shmoiger"
    It's criminal that kids are not getting an education.


    #BOBOV45 RABBI by the tish of bobov'er ruv has saying that everybody should sign the paper's against the gzeires hachinich in than the ra...

    10:05 AM - 4 Aug 2019

    Moshe Friedman
    ‏ Replying to @onlyJewish @hasidic1
    Your english spelling and comprehension proves that
    Are right!

  3. 10:20
    Aha! Finally a good question, though I already answered this once before ...
    I am all for education ..... yes a well rounded education ....
    Having said that ....
    This ignorant "Shmoiger" wants the Board of Education to dictate to schools what they should learn...
    I say first clean up your own act ....
    The majority of public school graduates are illiterate ... they are on a 3rd year level in math, and of course cannot speak English by in large ...
    I know I have relatives that teach in the Public school system ...
    This little "Monster" has it out for his own parents and is a selfish narcissistic self-hating ignoramus fool!
    He is not doing this for altruistic reasons ...
    I actually know and am friends with a Belzer family that wanted a better education for their children, so they took them out of the ghetto and put them into a modern Zionist private school in New Jersey , and are very happy ..
    The solution is not having the BOE monitor and dictate to private schools ... we live in a country that values the separation of "church and State" .....
    You cannot force parents in a free democratic government to abide by rules made up of a bunch of people sitting on the Boards of Regents who have no clue what a Torah education is all about ... and themselves have failed their very own public schools ...
    Those wgo come out of Yeshivos and want to better themselves can absolutely do it ...
    I came from a Yeshivah that prohibited anyone from going to College ..
    So after Yeshivah many went to College including DIN that graduated from Fordham U
    Kids in my class became lawyers and doctors and some even teach finance in College all from a non existant English education ...
    We didn't go around talking like a guy that just came from Belz with a heavy galiyitzianer accent making believe that he knows what he is talking about ..
    we went and improved ourselves ....
    I have a friend who tells me that a group of Lakewwod boys are now in Harvard Law ,,,, all did this after they left Bais Medrish ..

    he is a loser and if it wasn't for his constant schnorring he would be a nothing ....
    instead he should go to school and improve his English ... that would be a great start!

  4. 10:20
    If you take tax dollars there are strings attached. Stop taking the money and then you can talk.
