Monday, August 26, 2019

In Yerushalyim "Yeshiva Bochrim" Bored Because of "Bein Hazmanim" Beat the Hell Out of a Frum Cellphone Storekeeper

There is a frum guy trying to make a living on Bar Ilan Street in Yerushalyim selling Cellphones and other phone paraphernalia ...
He has been there quite awhile and makes his living from guess who?

You guessed it ... he makes a living from the Yeshivishe world who need smartphones for business etc ....

But these days of Av,  the Yeshivah bochrim are bored out of their holy Torah minds because its Bein Hazmanim .... and because of the latest tragedies, most Roshei Yeshiva warned and prohibited their students from swimming, going on hikes etc ...

What is there to do ...???

So someone came out with a great idea ...
"Let's beat the crap out of another Jew!" .....

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