Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Israeli Police Learned How to Pull Protestors By the Peyois From the Rebbes of the Yeshivos !

Recently the Chareidim are going berserk accusing the Mishtara of "Nazi Behaviors" because  they pulled a Chareidie protester by his peyois!

Well...... not so fast guys....
I'm not condoning it .... but this minhag.... comes from an old "minhag yisroel" of rebbes puling the peyos of their talmidim in Yeshivah Ketana!

The Chareidim are also accusing the Police of a double standard ...
That they use force against the illegal Chareidie Protesters and do nothing with the Ethiopian protests!

I say ....
Hashem also judges Tzaddikim כחוט השערה

If you are a "ben Torah" behave like one... 
When we were children our parents used to say that "bnei Torah" are judged more severely ...........

1 comment:

  1. The police only did a half job,these filthy criminally insane traitorous bastards should have had both their payos and beards cut off plus received some broken bones,these criminals and animals need a beard and payos like the pope needs it,this is the only way these hooligans and gangsters will be stopped,this is the only language they understand
