Sunday, April 14, 2019

Cuomo First Passed A Bill That Permits Killing New-born Babies Now Favors Bill To Let Doctors Kill Their Adult Patients

This is the guy that "Daas Torah" endorsed for Governor! 

The passage of New Jersey’s right-to-die law Friday may have given new life to a similar bill in New York.
Gov. Cuomo said he supports proposals before the state Senate and Assembly to make doctor-assisted suicide legal for terminally ill patients.
“I say pass the bill,” Cuomo said during a radio interview last week. “It’s a controversial issue, it’s a difficult issue. The older we get and the better medicine gets, the more we’ve seen people suffer for too, too long.”
“I think it’s a situation that we have to address, definitely.”
The comments came as a surprise to Sen. Diane Savino (D-Staten Island) one of the primary sponsors of the bill in the Senate.
“That’s the first time he’s ever indicated that he would be supportive of this measure,” Savino said. “I wasn’t aware he was thinking that way.”
Savino downplayed the potential for New Yorkers going to New Jersey to avail themselves of the law. “You have to establish residency,” she said. “You can’t just fly in for the weekend and take advantage of it.”
Momentum for the legislation would give hope to New Yorkers who are looking for the option to end their lives after being diagnosed with terminal illnesses. But it sets up a contentious fight in Albany.
California legalized the practice in 2016. Colorado, Hawaii, Vermont, Washington State and the District of Columbia all have similar laws on the books.


  1. The whole clan of the cuomos are bozos out of their skull


    NBC News has outed various leaders of the "frum" anti-vaxx movement who includes a 5 Towns woman Rebecca Fleischmann who has a sizeable local following.

    Tzadok Katz warned in the Yated that many of these people are not just anti-vaxx but also anti-Torah since they are anti-Doctor & pro- practices that come from avodah zara.

    This is Fleischmann's "expert": Dr. Rabbi Yehuda Frischman, who pushes Chinese medicine, etc

    Despite his big payos he is a YU-Shaalavim guy

    But YU guys are also required to do what the Torah says

    And so are the heimishe Williamsburg idiots outed by NBC

  3. there is no DAAS TORAH,only daas Benjamin's (if you don't know what that means,ask that Muslim congress woman from Minnesota) LOL

  4. The most recent figures show that, in practice, 98 percent of abortion requests in Israel are approved. But of the approximately 40,000 abortions performed each year, only around half go through the committees.

    The other estimated 20,000 are being conducted illegally, through doctors at private clinics, not at home or in alleyways. There are plenty of doctors you can find online at the click of
    ! טול קורה מבין עיניכם

    NYT: The most recent figures show that, in practice, 98 percent of abortion requests in Israel are approved. But of the approximately 40,000 abortions performed each year, only around half go through the committees.

    The other estimated 20,000 are being conducted illegally, through doctors at private clinics, not at home or in alleyways. There are plenty of doctors you can find online at the click of a button. While they are theoretically subject to punitive legal measures, their patients are not — and the authorities simply look the other way.

    Cuomo First? - after "you" sir!.

  5. 7:46
    Nice shtikel Torah that doesn't answer why your "gedoilim" voted for Cuomo!
    At least in Israel the gedoilim do not support candidates that support abortion
    And YOU sir are a Neiveilah.... like the gemarrah in Chullin writes so eloquently about the bird called ראה
    יושב בבבל וראה נבילה בארץ ישראל
    The Baal Shem says that's why that bird is טמא

  6. 7:46
    Turns out you are also a liar with your fake news NYT statistics
