Saturday, February 16, 2019

The Liska Rebbe ...Rabbi Shlomo Friedlander ..... The History of the "Frauder Rebbe"

And Now ... the "fraud" saga continues ....with a member of the Friedlander family , Ezra Friedlander carrying on the "frauder rebbe"  traditions soliciting  $$$$$$$ to honor a murderer of Jews, Anwar Sadat (Yemach Shmo) with a Congressional Medal ...


  1. Ezra Friedlander Liska Scam ReportFebruary 17, 2019 at 11:07 AM

    Ezra Friedlander, CEO of The Friedlander Group, learned his family business well, and is a worthy successor to their tradition of Hasidic fraud and swindling.

    He has expanded their previously local or regional empire of swindling into a worldwide enterprise in recent years, not limited to the NY and FL areas.

    Ezra Friedlander should now be crowned leader of The Friedlander Group Chasidic Con Artists and Assorted Swindlers Inc., as he has displayed great talent and energy in taking the con game to new levels.

  2. Next project of Ezra Friedlander GroopFebruary 17, 2019 at 6:21 PM

    Gold Medal for Liska Rebbe Master Fraudster Solomon Friedlander.

  3. For much of its history, the Jewish religion was administered by priests, a class of Jewish citizens who were given social, economic, and political power far beyond that of just performing the sacred rites of the people. They were second in power only to the kings; when the Romans took over, it was the priestly class that they were most worried about. Abraham is considered the first Jewish priest, though the line formally began with his great-grandson, Levi.

    Of course, no women were allowed to be priests 4,000 years ago.
