Thursday, February 14, 2019

Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva Issue Letter Condemning the Shomrim Playing Cards That Encourage Children To Be Chutzpadik to Their Parents Who Have Internet!

Shomrim the "bully" Askanim issued playing cards to children, a method in raising funds.
The cards have warnings against the internet and some cards actually encourage little children to be chutzpadik to their parents if they find them on the internet.

Shomrim writes that the have the "consent and encouragement" of Gedoilei Hatorah .....they don't write who those "Gedoilei HaTorah are ...

Now, the Lakewood Roshei Yesivah sent a letter which basically said that they do not agree with those "chutzpadike encouraging" cards and that they are against Shomrim's methods ...

Shomrim are basically a bunch of hoodlums.. "wanta be cops" with a bunch of keys, two-way radios..with cars that have lights and sirens....

So far they have not stopped any of the violence perpetrated against Jews in New York ....

Shomrim wanting to show off their "strength" arrived in Pittsburg after the fact ... when a Nazi Sympathizer murdered the most Jews in one spot since the Holocaust ......
Shomrim were there to hand out cookies that had a hechsher!!


  1. What does Shomirim have to do with Shomrim cards? Totally unaffiliated. Even if both points have merit this is just uninformed and laughable.

  2. Hey DIN, The Shomrim patrol organizations have nothing to do with the "Shomrim" cards. Those cards were put out by a Fanatic Satmar anti-internet group. So you're hating on them for the wrong reason :)

  3. Shomrim Guy With KeysFebruary 14, 2019 at 6:48 PM

    9:40 & 9:40
    They "have nothing to do with each other?"
    If that's the case why is it that the name "Shomrim" is on the package and they are called "Shomrim Cards?"
