Sunday, January 13, 2019

Day Yoimie Snippets ... Chullin 40, 41, 42,43, 44, 45, & 46

Hey ladies ... here is an opportunity to test your husbands and see if he really goes to the daf....

This is a good opportunity for the entire family to share thoughts on the daf ... so that the family feels united by discussing what the head of the house is studying.  
I try to break it down so that everyone can understand it .... however this particular tractate is difficult ... 
You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us..... 

See  previous Daf Yoimie Snippets 

This week's "Daf Yoimie Snippets Sponsored For the Refuah Shliemah of צארטל בת אסתר מלכה

"דף מ' "אין אדם אוסר דבר שאינו שלו       
Page40  Mesectas Chullin  
"One Cannot Halachacly Disqualify An Object That He Doesn't Own" 

On this daf we learn an interesting rule that a "person cannot  prohibit something that is not his even through a significant and complete act."

For example:
A person goes and worships a puddle of water that accumulated at the edge of a lake...... the halacha is that he has not rendered the puddle of water unfit for use ....even though he worshipped the water as an idol.
Because the water was not his ...
If, on the other hand, he took some of the water in the palms of his hand ... then the halacha is that he has now acquired that water for himself and if he bows down to the water in his hand ... it is considered an idol, an Avoda Zara, and the water is prohibited for use ...

Another example:
Someone decides to take his neighbor's animal and slaughters it for the sake of his idol .... the halacha is that the animal can be eaten ... why? The animal wasn't his. He can only render the animal unfit for consumption, if he slaughtered his own animal for the sake of an idol.

Press "read more" immediately below to continue to the rest of the dafim!

"דף מ''א "מדוע אסור לשחוט מעל הים       
Page 41  Mesectas Chullin  
"Why is it Prohibited to Slaughter on a Lake or Ocean? " 

The Mishnah on this daf rules that one cannot slaughter an animal or a bird over a body of water that is over a lake or an ocean.  
There were idol worshippers in those days that would worship water .... and they would slaughter animals over the water to offer the idol the animals as a sacrifice.

Because of this phenomenon, the rabbis established that Jews were prohibited to slaughter an animal or a bird over water since to a passerby it would look like the Jew is offering a sacrifice to the "water idol." 

"דף מ''ב "טרפה       
Page 42  Mesectas Chullin  
The word "trifah" comes from the word "tuhruf" ...torn ...remember when the Shevatim showed Yaakov, Yosef's bloody coat, Yaakov remarked "turoif turaf Yosef" "Yosef was torn by an animal."

But today, when we say "treif" we mean that the food item is not kosher.

The Talmud in this tractate actually itemizes many defects in an animal that renders the animal "treifah" ... not kosher, and some of those defects are when parts of the animal are torn internally or externally in such a way that the animal cannot survive a year. 

So on this daf, we consider an animal ... "treifah," if because of an illness or a defect in its body, it will not  survive for too long ...

All the different sickness that cause the life of an animal to be shortened and be considered "treifah" was handed down to Moshe at Mount Sinai, Har Sinai, which the rabbis refer to as "Halacha Le'Moshe Me'Sinai."

An animal that we consider because of those defects "treifa" can not be made kosher by ritually slaughtering it .... and its milk is also prohibited from consumption.

"דף מ''ג "איוב       
Page 43  Mesectas Chullin  

The daf mentions Iyuv, known as Job ....

Who was Iyuv??

The Sefer Iyuv relates that Iyuv was a righteous person, a tzaddik.

Hashem, decided to test him to see if he would believe in Hashem, even if his life wasn't so pleasant.  
 Hashem then instigated Satan to bring Iyuv great pain in many different ways;
His children died, he lost his entire fortune and suffered terrible sicknesses yet he stood steadfast in his trust and belief in Hashem. Iyuv passed the test and Hashem rewarded him twice as much as he lost.

This daf explains that Iyuv remained alive even though he had a fatal disease, a disease which any other person would have died from but since Hashem only instructed the Satan to smite him with disease Satan couldn't kill him, and so he continued to live miraculously. 

Since his survival was a result of a miracle we cannot deduce from this particular sickness that an animal with similar symptoms would survive. 
An animal with the same symptoms would be considered a "Trifah."

"דף מ'ד "כך ראוי להתנהג       
Page 44  Mesectas Chullin  
"This is the Way to Properly Behave" 
There are many things that according to halacha may be permitted, however, one shouldn't really do them.

For example:
A Dayan (Judge) has two people in from of him who are disputing a parcel of land, each claiming that he owns it.

The Dayan after investigating all details of the case, rules that the land belongs to Reuvein.

If Reuvein then wants to sell this parcel of land to the Dayan, the Dayan should be able to buy this land according to halacha.
The Rabbis ruled however, that the Dayan shouldn't buy the land, because we are concerned that people would then say that the Dayan ruled in Reuvein's favor because he had his eye on it and knew that Reuvein would sell it to the Dayan cheaper knowing that the Dayan would rule in his favor.

The Talmud relates a story about Rebbe Chisda. 
Reb Chisda would examine "bechoros" "first born" animals to see if they had any blemish .... 
A "bechor" without a blemish becomes sanctified as a sacrifice and one isn't allowed to do any work with them ....if this animal has a blemish it is disqualified and becomes "chullin" it is now an ordinary animal .... 

When Reb Chisda would rule that a certain "bechor" was blemished, thereby making it  "chullin" and the animal would now be able to  be worked with ....... he would never purchase it, so that no one would accuse him of ruling the animal "blemished" only so he could now buy it at a better price.

"דף מ'ה "שונא מתנות יחיה        
Page 45  Mesectas Chullin  
"One Who Despises Gifts Will Have Longevity" 

King Solomon in his Sefer Mishlei writes שונא מתנות יחיה
which basically means that people who despise gifts live longer, and that is the reason that tzaddikim tend stay away from accepting handouts because they have confidence and trust in Hashem that He will provide. 

The Talmud relates that Reb Zirah refused gifts sent to him from the House of the Nasie, because he didn't want to depend on mere mortals for his sustenance.

"דף מ'ו "סרכא        
Page 46  Mesectas Chullin  
"Scabs on the Lungs" 
The Talmud on this daf states, if upon examination of a slaughtered animal we discover two lobes of the lung adhering to each other, by a scab, then we have no need to investigate any further and the animal is rendered "treifah."
Because the very presence of the adhesion causes the animal to be deemed a "trifah."

Rashi is of the opinion that the adhesion between the two lobes is presumed to result from a hole in the lung from which these fluids leaked, forming a scab that caused the two lobes to stick to each other at that point, hence the animal is a "treifah" because its lung was punctured.

Tosfos explains that Sirchos or scabs form naturally on the membranes of the lung and are not the result of a hole in the lung, nevertheless, when part of the lung becomes joined through an adhesion to a surface to which it is not normally not joined, the animal is "treifah," because the two attached surfaces will eventually work their way apart, tearing away the adhesion and the underlying membranes in the process, thereby puncturing the lung ...
Since a puncture would inevitably occur, the animal is deemed a treifah immediately , since it suffers from a condition that would eventually prove fatal.

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