Thursday, January 17, 2019

Chareidie "moised" Knesset Yitzchok, That Supposedly Doesn't Take Money From Zionists, Received 2,600,000.00 Shekels From The "Medinah"

Guys I had enough of this big lie perpetrated on Klal Yisroel that there are Moisdois in the State of Israel that do not take money from the medinah ...

It's an unmitigated lie .....! 

Over the years we have proven and shown you receipts from Satmar Moisdois that have "dummy" Yeshivas with their students enrolled in that dummy Yeshivah that takes money from the medinah for each and every single child ... and then those funds are funneled into the Yeshivah that the children actually attend..... 

There is no way that the couple of dollars that  Satmar sends them can even be a drop in the bucket to what a yeshivah needs to run ...

Instead of having a little bit of "hakaras Hatoiv" they curse the hands that feed them ....

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