Saturday, December 15, 2018

"Sola Kokosh Mar"

They now made Hungarian the language of the Jew murderers, holy! 

But Ivrit is treif! 


  1. Something wrong with the sound. Can't hear anything even on high volume.

  2. Their holy Torah was written in Hungarian.
    What do you expect from these frum fanatics

  3. 9:25
    Press the "mike" emoji on the video itself ... it may be off

  4. Calm down, no one is making Hungarian holy. This is a holy song not from now but 200 years ago. It was sung by the holy R. Eizekel Kaliver. Sung today by his descendant the Kaliver Rebbe of Yerushalayim who lived through the gehenom of Auschwitz and knows a little bit more about Jew murderers then todays young know it all's, yet he still sings this holy niggun. Google it, listen and be inspired. It inspired Yidden to avodas Hashem for generations. No different than inspiring English Jewish songs of today. The English were also Jew murderers, learn your history. Maybe don't talk English or listen to English songs either...

  5. 12:43
    Ok..... I had some time to do my history....
    The Hungarians helped and participated in the murder of approx 400,000 Jews including my grandparents, Uncles, aunts, cousins and my own two brothers ...
    The Kaliver composed this song as you say yourself 200 years ago pre WW2 ...
    English is a universal language and is necessary if one needs to do transactions in the US as well as most parts of the world. In fact you cannot be an international pilot without English! The entire Shas has been translated into English and most Shiurim on the internet are in English.
    Hungaian is an uncivilized disgusting language spoken in only 2 countries in the entire world, except of course in Williamsburg, Boro-Park and Monroe.
    My parents were Hungarian and refused to speak the language except when it was absolutely necessary..
    To revive this awful language spoken by murderers of our Jewish brothers and sisters is asinine!
    I will not speculate why today's Kaliver still sings this tune composed by a gentile Hungarian peasant ...(The words were added by the original Kaliver) ...but to have this guy in the video sing and cry in Hungarian is enough to make any thinking Jew puke...
    How was that for a history lesson?
