Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Sefardie Rabbi Fanatics Warn French Jews To Keep Their Children In France Rather Than Have them Educated in Eretz Yisroel

Over the years since the State of Israel has been established, Sefardim by-in-large fled all their home countries and made Aliyah. They are thriving in Israel and there are more Frum Sefardim in Eretz Yisroel than ever before. 
There are Sfardishe Shuls on practically every corner in Israel....

But Sefardishi Rabbis in France are frightened that because of anti-Semitism, their constituents will either leave or worse will send their children to be educated in Israel, hoping that they will stay in Israel and not face annihilation either by assimilation or be physically attacked by the Arabs in France.

The French Rabbis will have to look for employment elsewhere.

The Rabbis asked the Sefardie Bais Din Zedek in Yerushalyim to issue a "kol korah" to warn French Jews not to send the children to  Israel, because tin Israel they may G-D forbid become Zionists and leave Judaism.

The facts are actually the opposite, French Jews are assimilating in France at an alarming rate, and their only hope is for them to make Aliyah and at least the children will marry Jews.

French Jews are ignoring the stupid letter and are making Aliyah by the thousands, in fact the price of housing in Israel is rising because of  French Jews who are buying houses like crazy ....


  1. there is a loser Sfardi in Monsey who is a chassidishe wannabe & hanging out in Satmar kreizen who propagandizes that there is no Arab threat to Yidden in France except in the figment of Tzioni imagination. his parnossa is not impacted but he is trying to score brownie points with Satmar chevra

  2. This has nothing to with ideology these Sefardi so called Rabbis are nothing but low life gangsters who sold their souls for a few FARSHTUNKENE dollars,supplied by the KAPO Satmarer Israel and Jew hating Arab loving monsters.
    Nothing new here,history repeats itself,the previous Satmarer Godfather Reb Yoilish,did exactly the same thing before world two,whereby he forbade any of his followers to make ALIYAH when it was still possible,and is indirectly responsible for the lives of thousands of those unfortunate souls who were stupid enough to listen to him, notice the obscenity of this ,during the war when reb Yoilish was rescued by the Zionist Rudolph Kastner,where did he run to ? yes you guessed right " to Eretz Yisroel

  3. This is really dumb because both the French baal habatim & the rabbis can go to Montreal in effect just transplanting their kehilla which many of them have already done.

    And it sounds like these Sfardim behind the letter might be trying to be "more Catholic than the Pope" because even Zalmi Teitelbaum has a program to oversee the French who insist on aliyah. Zalmi teamed with R' Malkiel & others to make sure those French kids are placed in Charedi yeshivos.

  4. 4:36
    You do know that Zalmi's and Malkiel's program to place French kids in Chareidie Yeshivos is a complete fraud ... you know that dont you.....
    There isn't one single French child placed in a Chareidei program because of their program ... you know that .. dont you..... it's a money making fraud ...
    I challange anyone to find me ONE FRENCH CHILD that was placed in a chareidie program because of Zalman Leib or Malkiel....
    French Jews that are not affiliated will never do it ... and those who do ..have money and don;t need their half assed handouts...
    I live in Israel ... the French have loads of money ... they all buy million dollar homes .. they don't need Satmar or Lakewood;s $100.00 handouts ...

  5. DIN,you are 1000% right,not even one French kid wound up in those chareidi yeshivas,ZALMEN LEIB is not only a KAPO murderous Israel hater but on top of that an outright gangster and fraudster,every single dollar bill that went to that supposed organization ended up in his filthy pockets,and maybe he threw some SHEKELS To Malkiel Kotler,after all Malkiel can use it because as you know this TCHATCHKE has got two wives he must support one of them is his first one who never took a GET from him

  6. I'm not saying that the Pope would call the Satmar program the coming of Yoshkie but come on, it's not like all French are super rich. There are poor people there for sure and also karg cheapskates who won't pay for their kids chinuch. Do you know how many modern orthodox kids are in 5 Towns public schools because their pathetic parents are bloody cheap?

  7. There is obvious bias that DIN loves to pick on me as if there is no other Kapo in town.

    What about Monsey's Shlomo Pomeranz who is on a major power trip after being made an Airmont Fire official?

    He threatens & yells at rabbonim. He makes trouble for them even if they kiss his tuchess. But watch out for his pompous fury if they dare not bow down to his every word!

    And as the gofer boy of the smug anti-frum Italiano Airmont Mayor he even spitefully terrorized a frumma Yid to dismantle his sukkah boi bayoim on erev Yom Kippur, threatening that when the Yid was davening in NJ he would send Marshalls on Yom Kippur night to forcibly remove his wife & children! The Yid was forced to shvitz most of the day with the dismantlement, could not make it to NJ and had to scramble to find a seat to daven in Monsey.

  8. There is always sunny Guatemala

    Lots of Sfardi Satmar wannabes here too
