Thursday, December 6, 2018

Malkiel Kotler Gets Backing of Rabbi Baruch Shmuel Deutsch Leader of the Peleg Terrorists In His War With the Noveminsker

Rabbi Baruch Shmuel Deutsch, one of the leaders of the Yerushalmi Peleg faction in Israel, sent a letter to the Rosh Yeshiva of Lakewood, New Jersey, R' Malkiel Kotler, supporting his rambling incoherent speech on Shabbos at the Agudah Convention two weeks ago. 

The letter rebukes the Admor of Noveminsk, who called out R' Malkiel Kotler in his key note address on Motzei Shabbos...

Get the popcorn ... we are in for a great show!!!


  1. How disrespectful of you mr blogger. Might as well shave off that beard and stop pretending.

  2. 5:57
    disrespectful of who, exactly?
    The little "shvantz" Malkiel who dissed the Novemensker and the rest of the Gedoilim?
    as for your comment "shave off that beard " .... my answer to that is
    "you are ugly... and even if I would shave off my beard, you would still be ugly and if I may add ..fat as a pig"

  3. You are a frum Jew right? You dress like one. You are talking lashon hara. And not only that you are disrespecting a rosh yeshiva. the new trend in the world is to demonize people, to find some dirt on them or what appears like dirt with regard to a situation you are not close to, where it's easy to misunderstand, and to talk about them like they are the devil. Sadly, we Jews are very good at this. But it's wrong and you wouldn't like it if it happened to you. So if you are going to have a beard and black yarmulka, then obey the rules of lashon hara or drop the beard and the pretense.

  4. 1:59
    This Rosh Yeshivah ... Malkiel, who by the way, never divorced his first wife who is still waiting for him in Yerushalyim .. was publicly rebuked by the Noveminsker Rebbe at the Agudah Convention on November 26, 2018;postID=5659836536881403502;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=412;src=postname

    and the reason he was rebuked was because R' Malkiel endorsed the Peleg Terrorists! See above Link

    Now for a lesson in Hilchos Loshon Harah.....
    If you believe and feel that my blog is Loshon Hara, then I have news for you .... and please take a seat ....
    According to the Halachos of Loshon Hara ..... "Listening" may actually be worse than the one speaking .....
    So Can I ask you a question????
    Why are you online? ......why are you reading what you believe is "Loshon Hara" ...?
    You are a Fake Fraud and may I add a Phoney! .......
    So I'll keep my beard and my "White and Black" Kipa Serugah ...

    BTW ..R" Moshe Feinstein in his very first Igros Moshe actually discusses if one should wear a Yarmulka while knowingly committing either an Aveirah or going to make a Chillul Hashem...
    And r' Moshe Paskens that one must keep on his yarmulkah anyway ...
    So Keep on your smelly Yarmulkah while you surf the internet for "Loshon Hara"
