Sunday, December 9, 2018


The horrors of the Lev Tahor cult know no bounds, and they will do anything – including Chillul Shabbos – to maintain their stranglehold on its members.

Authorities in Upstate New York are currently investigating an alleged kidnapping of two of the recent escapees from the Lev Tahor Cult – which occurred on Shabbos.

Sources confirm that two children of the Teller family that recently escaped from the cult in Guatemala were spending Shabbos in the Catskills, when the incident occurred.

Our sources tell us that on Shabbos morning, a 12 year-old girl and a 14-year-old boy were discovered missing.
Police were called, and an investigation is underway.

It has been confirmed that the two children were seen entering a vehicle on Friday night (early Shabbos morning) at around 3:32AM.
The family had been spending Shabbos with professional therapists in the Catskills, along with other previous Lev Tahor escapees.

A few weeks ago, a girl from the same family was kidnapped as well, she was later found and reunited with her mother.

The Teller children arrived in the United States last month, following an intense international effort to rescue them
 from the Cult, currently located in Guatemala.

The children are the 4 daughters and 2 sons of Mrs Sara Feige Teller, a sister of current Lev Tahor leader, Nachman Helbrans. She is married to Rabbi Aron Aryeh Teller, rosh yeshivah of Lev Tahor.rom the Cult, currently located in Guatemala.

The children are the 4 daughters and 2 sons of Mrs Sara Feige Teller, a sister of current Lev Tahor leader, Nachman Helbrans. She is married to Rabbi Aron Aryeh Teller, rosh yeshivah of Lev Tahor.

Rebbitzen Teller escaped the cult several months ago, and had been thwarted on several attempts to rescue her children, on one occasion even being attacked by cult members armed with guns, knives and throwing rocks 

A massive raid by over 100 heavily armed Guatemalan police was unsuccessful in rescuing the remaining three children as cult leaders had likely moved them out of the compound prior to police arriving outside the compound’s barbed wire fence.
Then, Rabbi Teller and the 3 girls, accompanied by a woman who posed as their mother, were arrested as they attempted to cross the border into Mexico with false passports.
Bechasdei Hashem, Askonim were successful in bringing the children to the United States  joining their mother and three siblings who had arrived the week before.

Tragically, it appears the saga is not over and the Lev Tahor Cult is continuing to inflict horror on the lives of the these children.


  1. These filthy mad dogs (no, they are not human) need to be put out of their misery,just like you would any rabies infected mad animal.

  2. Hmmmm. Dishonoring the Sabbath Day, Kidnapping, Lying (false passports).
    Aren't those breaking 3 of the 10 Comman... ugh.... Suggestions we received at Mount Sinai?

    "a group of pious Jews" -- Ami Magazine

  3. I dont understand how the civilized world allows such insane behaviour the satmerers are not far behid either

  4. Perhaps "Rabbi" Michael Broyde has more information. He was caught lying when confronted how he could tell the public to be mechalel Shabbos to take medical exams, so he blamed it on the Lubavitcher Rebbe who of course never said such a ridiculous thing.

  5. 5:17 pm hit the nail on the head with Satmar without even realizing it!

    Margo aka Lipa Margulies who was born in Satmar in the Heim, claimed that it was shkotzim who "broke in" to Torah Temimah one Shabbos. They "just happened" to have not been interested in stealing anything, but instead trashed computers & paper files that made it impossible to seize evidence about Kolko, Weingarten & a 3rd molester who he covered up for going back to 1970.
