Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Day Yoimie Snippets ... Menachois Pages 107,108, 109,110, Chullin 2, 3 & 4

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See  previous Daf Yoimie Snippets 

"דף ק''ז .."שלוש עשרה הקופות   
Page 107 Mesectas Menachois  
"13 Collection Boxes" 

There were 13 Collection boxes, called "shofaros" because the shape of the box resembled somewhat of a shofar, in the Temple.

 תקלין חדתין (New Shekalim) was written on one collection box, these were coins that people offered as "machtzis ha'shekel." 

תקלין עתיקין (Old Shekalim) was written on another collection box, these coins were the "machtzis ha'shekel" that people offered the year before but for some reason were late in their donations.

קנין was written on another box, these coins used to buy mature birds.

גוזלי עולה was written on an other one, these coins were used to buy young birds.

עצים ... this box was used for the coins that went toward buying wood for the alter.

לבונה  this box contained coins that were used to buy the "korban levoineh" 

זהב לכפרת this box contained gold used for utensils ..

The remaining six were for donative offerings. 

Why was it necessary to have six boxes for donative offerings?

The rabbis differ on the reason ...

R' Chizkeyeh suggests that these boxes were designated for the six paternal houses of the kohanim. 
The kohanim were divided into 24 groups called "mishmarois" or "watchers," each of which served in the Temple for a week at a time on a rotating basis. Each mishmar, in turn, was divided into 6 batei avos, paternal houses, one for each day of the week, besides Shabbos, when all would serve together.

R' Yochanan on the other hand, postulates that they needed 6 different boxes because if all coins were all placed in one box, the coins would get rusty.

Press "read more" immediately below to continue to the rest of the dafim!

"דף ק''ח .."השור הקדוש    
Page 108 Mesectas Menachois  
"The Holy Ox " 

The Talmud relates that there was a certain individual who stood up and announced: "I will offer a sacrifice from one my my oxes," but he didn't identify which ox he designated."

The mishna states that the larger of the 2 oxes becomes sanctified as the designated ox, because we assume that when a person makes a donation to the Temple he wants to donate with his full heart, surely he would want to offer the better one .

"דף ק''ט .."שמעון הצדיק    
Page 109 Mesectas Menachois  
"Shimon Ha'Tzadik " 

After the death of Alexander the Great, King of Moikdoin, who ruled over Eretz Yisrael as well, his general Talmei went ahead  and conquered Eretz Yisroel. 

During this time, the Kohein Gadol was Shimon Ha'Tzadik, who worked very hard for the welfare of the nation, both spiritually as well as materialistically. 

On this Daf the Talmud relates that on Shimon's final year of his being a Kohein Gadol, he exited the Holy of Holies and stated that he would die that year.

When they questioned him on it he said that "every year when he entered the Holy of Holies he would be accompanied by an elderly man dressed in white, and this old man would follow him out as well.

On this particular year, the elderly man was dressed in black clothing, and he accompanied him inside but did not accompany him on the way out.

Shimon stated that he took this as a sign that he would not live out the year, and indeed, he died immediately after the Succot holiday!

"דף ק''י .."סיום מסכת מנחות    
Page 110 Mesectas Menachois  
"Finalizing Mesactas Menachois " 

On this Daf, we finialize learning Tractate Menachois, and on this Daf the Talmud praises those who learn Torah!

Rebbe Shmuel bar Nachmeinu says in the name of Rebbe Yochanan, that those who are busy learning Torah, Hashem considers them as if they offered Ketoras, Incense on the Alter.

Rebbe Yochanan states that those who learn the subject of Avodas Bais Hamikdash, all the work the Kohanim did in the Temple, Hashem considers this as if the Temple was rebuilt in their time.

Resh Lakish equates those who are busy learning Torah with offering the sacrifices , Olah, Mincha, Chattas and Ashem!

"דף ב .."מסכת חולין    
Page 2 Mesectas Chullin  
"Mesactas Chullin" 

Tractate Chullin is one of the largest Tractates in Talmud Bavli, and deals with a variety of different subjects.

The laws of :
Signs of non kosher animals, and the signs of kosher animals 
Fish and grasshoppers
Impurity of dead animals
Mitzvah of "covering the blood"
The prohibition of consuming the "Tendon of the hind leg"
Prohibition of mixing or cooking Meat with milk
The laws if kosher and non kosher got mixed together
Prohibited foods & Permissible foods
Prohibition of eating from a live animal
Presents given to kohanim
Mitzvah of chasing away the mother bird before taking its fledglings

The Halachois of Tractate Chullin can be found in Yoreh Deah, in the Tur and Shulchan Aruch.

"דף ג' .."מי ראוי להיות שוחט    
Page 3 Mesectas Chullin  
"Who is Fit To Be a Ritual Slaughterer"

The first chapter of this Tractate, is called " All Who Slaughter" and it details slaughterers that can be relied on to be a fit to be a "ritual slaughterer."

In the very first  Halacha in the  Shulchan Aruch named Yoreh Deah, the Ramah ( R' Moshe Isserlish) states that a ritual slaughterer must be one who is proficient in the Halachos of Slaughter, and is an expert slaughterer, who already slaughtered at least 3 times under rabbinic supervision and who are themselves experts in the Halachos of slaughtering.
The rabbinic supervisor must see if the applicant is scrupulous in his work and that he is not at all frightened of slaughtering.

It is therefore a custom that we do not hire or accept a slaughter unless he has a certificate from a rabbi with expertise in this field.
Once he has his certificate he must review all laws pertaining to kosher slaughtering so that he never forgets  the laws pertaining to kosher slaughtering.

"דף ד' .."שלבי השחיטה    
Page 4 Mesectas Chullin  
"Stages of the Slaughtering Process"

In the coming days we will focus on the stages that pertain to the slaughtering process.

There are 3 stages ..
בדיקת הסקין .. examining the knife that will used to slaughter.

The slaughter itself and  finally the 

בדיקת הראה ... The knife must be straight, smooth without nicks or scratches. 
Years ago a rabbi or an expert would examine the knife.... in even earlier times they would appoint experts whose job it was to examine the knives and these experts needed to be approved by the local rabbi.

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