Sunday, December 23, 2018

Day Yoimie Snippets ... Chullin 19, 20, 21,22, 23, 24, & 25

You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us..... 

See  previous Daf Yoimie Snippets 

"דף י''ט.."רובו ככולו     
Page 19  Mesectas Chullin  
"If You Did Most of a Task, It's As If You Completed It" 

One of the Halachois that is discussed the most in Mesactas Chullin, is the concept of "רובו ככולו" .    

This principle was established by the rabbis, because in some instances, if one does most of a particular  mitzvah, he is exempt from completing it ... and he gets the credit as if he did the entire mitzvah.

Press "read more" immediately below to continue to the rest of the dafim!

"דף כ'.."מצות שחיטה      
Page 20  Mesectas Chullin  
"The Mitzvah of Shechita" 

Is the act of Shechita a Mitzvah?

Does one get a mitzvah when he performs the act of ritual slaughter ... Shechita, on an animal, or perhaps, is Shechitah not really a mitzvah in itself , but it is technically the only way one is permitted to eat an animal or a bird? Shechita would be only the means to an end!

There is a dispute about this very question amongst the Rishonim. 
The Be'Hag (author of Halachois Gedoilos) the rabbi that was the first one to itemize and number each of the 613 mitzvois, does not count the act of ritual slaughter, Shechita as part of the 613 mitzvois ..

The Rambam, on the other hand, in Hilchois Shecihta writes:
"There is a positive commandment, a Mitzvas Assei, to slaughter an animal or a bird prior to eating it. ..... 
and includes Shechita in the 613 mitzvois.

"דף כ''א.."עלי הכהן      
Page 21  Mesectas Chullin  
"A'lee the Kohein" 

A'lee was the last Kohein Gadol, High Priestserving in Mishkan Shilo; he also served as a "Shoifet" ... a Judge ...for 40 years. 

The Mishkan Shilo, was where kohanim would do all the ritual services way before the First Bais Ha'Mikdash was built.

When war broke out between the Jews and the Philistines in Eretz Yisroel, the Jews brought the Holy Ark to the battlefield. When the Ark arrived, most of Jewish fighters got very excited and started yelling and screaming with great fanfare.

The Philistines, hearing the commotion, investigated the cause of the excitement and discovered that it was because of the Holy Ark's  arrival in the Jewish Army's camp.

Concerned, that the Jews would now overpower them, they decided to double their efforts to fight the Jews and were successful in killing 30 thousand Jews and managed to abscond with the Holy Ark.

When the news that the Philistines managed to capture the Ark reached A'lee Ha'Kohein, he panicked, fell back from his chair, broke his neck and died.

A'lee Ha'Kohein was the mentor to the young  Shmuel, who subsequently became Shmuel Ha'Novie after Shmuel's mother Chana brought him to Mishkan Shilo.

Shmuel Ha'Novie was the one who later anointed both King Saul and King David.

"דף כ''ב.."תורים ובני יונה       
Page 22  Mesectas Chullin  
"Turtledoves & Young Pigeons" 

Most sacrifices that Jews brought to the Bais Hamikdash came from lambs, cows, goats .... the Torah, however required sacrifices at certain times to come from "Turtledoves or Young Pigeons."

What are the differences between "Turtledoves" and "Young Pigeons?"

The truth is that both turtledoves and pigeons are the same species of bird, but the "turtledove" is a mature pigeon, and the "Young Pigeon" is just that... young, not yet matured.

When the Torah requires us to bring "pigeons" it is understood that the Torah meant the large mature "turtledove," and when the Torah specifies "Young Pigeons," the Torah wants us to use the small young pigeons.

There is a stage in the development of pigeons that is referred to as ... "תחילת הציהוב" ... "Beginning of the Yellow stage"
At this stage the ,the pigeon begins to grow very pretty "yellowish" feathers around its throat like chicks...

But at this stage the birds aren't large enough and are disqualified to be used as sacrifices in the Bais Ha'Mikdash, because at this stage they are too large to be  considered "young pigeons" and are too small at this stage to be considered "turtledoves."

"דף כ''ג.."פלגס       
Page 23  Mesectas Chullin  

Gedalye Ha'Chaklai decided to bring a sacrifice to the Bais Hamikdash, so he stood up and proclaimed:
" I am vowing to bring a "Korban Oleh" a Ram." 
''הרי עלי קרבן עולה ,איל''

"keves, "כבש" is a lamb in its first year.

"Ram, "איל" is a lamb in the second month of its second year.

So what is a lamb called in the first month of its second year?

"Palgas" .... "פלגס" ...

Reb Yoichenan considers a "Palgas" a lamb, therefore if one vows to bring an "איל" as a sacrifice, he can bring a "Palgas as well."

Other Rabbis say that when one vows to bring a "איל" 
he cannot offer a "Palgas."

The reasoning of the other rabbis may be that since we are in doubt and we are not sure whether a ""Palgas" is a "כבש"  or an "איל" because we aren't sure if the lamb is in its first month or in its second month in the second year.,
so therefore when one is specific in his vow to bring an "איל" 
he must offer an "איל"  a  definitive  "איל" 
not a doubtful "איל"!

"דף כ''ד.."עבודת הלויים       
Page 24  Mesectas Chullin  
"The Services of the Leveites " 

The Halacha is that the Leveites, the Leveeyim, could only work in the Bais Hamikdash if they were from the ages of 30  to 50 years old.

The Talmud on this Daf relates that this age rule was only in effect as long as the Jews were on their journey in the desert ..during the times of Moshe, because it was then necessary to often take apart the Mishkan and then carry its parts and then put it back together again... 
This work was done exclusively by the Leveites.

But once  Mishkan Shilo was built, Leveites could be of service in the Mishkan at any age since age limits no longer applied and they could work until they were very old .

"דף כ''ה.."הבדלים בין כלי עץ לכלי מתכת       
Page 25 Mesectas Chullin  
"The Differences Between Wood and Metal Utensils" 

The Mishna on this Daf states the following Halacha:

"What is tahor in the case of wooden utensils, is tamei in the case of metal utensils. What is tahor in the case of metal utensils, is tamei in the case of wooden utensils."

What is the meaning of this Mishnah?

Utensils from wood that do not have a receptacle built in and  are just flat, for example a wooden board that one uses to cut salads on etc.,  cannot become tamei, and if any tamei item should touch the board, the board remains tahor!

If however the board was made from metal, then it does contract tamei and becomes contaminated because it is a finished product.
This is what the Mishna meant when it stated:
"What is tahor in the case of wooden utensils, is tamei in the case of metal utensils."

The Mishna continues:
 "What is tahor in the case of metal utensils, is tamei in the case of wooden utensils."

If we for example have a non completed metal utensil; it is still in middle of being manufactured, but it already has a "receptacle," the Halacha dictates that as long as this metal product is not completely done ... or finished, then it cannot contract tamei......

because metal is only valued if it is "prestigious," for example ... a metal Jewelry box that isn't finished has no value .. metal objects need to be completed to be "prestigious." 
Once its been completed it has intrinsic value and can be used as an ornament etc....then and only then can it contract tamei.

Wooden objects, on the contrary can be used even it it isn't completed, and  if the wooden utensil has a receptacle but is not finished yet and a tamei item touches it, it contracts tamei....
therefore the wooden utensil even if it wasn't completed will indeed contract tamei!

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