Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Carlebach's "Mimikomcha" Comes Alive With This Video


  1. Another secret was recently revealed about molester Carlebach.

    He followed in Bob Dylan's footsteps to keep a secret Shvartza mistress shadowing him around to serve at his pleasure.

  2. FYI, a talmid of R' Aron Kotler has long been telling people that the rosh yeshiva's issur on Shlomo's music is directly tied to his womanizing which the chochem royeh es hanolad R' Aron saw in the 1940s where Shlomo was heading.

    The talmid was talking about more than pecks on women's cheeks before any media exposes or public information about Shlomo's predatory misbehavior.

  3. 3:35 & 12:10
    You guys are barking up the wrong tree ....
    Get over it .... he is long dead ....
    enjoy the music ...

    R' Aron, being a litvak didn't understand the power of music and probably hated all music ...

    Guys like you were born before over 2,500 thousands years ago when they said the same thing about Dovid Hamelech when he composed his songs of tehillim ... and played on his Kinor ... I'm sure they said the exact same thing about Dovid ...
    So again ... get over it ... and move on ...
