Monday, December 17, 2018

BDS Going Insane because World’s Fastest-Growing Tourist Destination is Jerusalem Despite Boycott

Jerusalem boasted the world’s biggest growth in inbound tourist numbers for 2018, with international arrivals soaring 38 percent this year, nearly doubling since 2016.

The findings come from Euromonitor International, a London-based market research firm. The Holy City benefits from “relative stability and a strong marketing push,” the report said.
Making up second and third place in the rankings were two Indian cities – Chennai and Agra – which experienced 30 percent growth and 24 percent growth, respectively. Two U.S. cities – Miami and Las Vegas – helped round out the top 10.
According to the report, one of the reasons for Jerusalem’s high ranking is a marketing push by the Israeli tourism industry that included airing commercials during breaks popular television shows in the United States:
The news comes on the heels of 2017, which was a record year for Israeli tourism. Almost 3.6 million tourists visited Israel last year, itself a 25 percent increase from 2016. The majority of them were from the U.S., and 59 percent were first-time visitors.
Since January, the tourism industry is estimated to have contributed more than ₪18 billion ($4.8 billion) to the Israeli economy. According to Ministry of Tourism figures, tourists stay in Israel for an average of eight days.
This is despite the efforts of the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement which has been trying unsuccessfully to isolate Israel on the world stage.



    Supersol making their case to the judge that the gantz Seasons bankruptcy is a farce thanks to Zvi Bloom siphoning off millions of dollars to shell companies to enrich himself.

    And they suspect Agudah macher Mendy Klein set up the so called stalking ferd entity to hijack the company & all the money from unsecured debtors into the hands of Bloom.

    Supersol complains an illegitimate clause was inserted that any buyer must employ Lipschutz-Bloom front man Mayer Gold as manager. Bloom's lawyer tells the judge with a straight face Seasons will collapse without Gold.

  2. Outrageous how everything the Blooms touch is a scandal. Starting with his father's omerta code for child molesters at the Agudah, then the illegal transfer of TU funds to Huberfeld's ponzi and now this.
