Monday, December 31, 2018

76.9% of Chareidim Living in Bnei Brak Own Their Apartments Yet they Earn the Least of all citizens Living in Israel ????

Data from the Central Bureau of Statistics show that the average 

per capita income in the city of Bnei Brak, the city of Torah and Chassidut,  is only NIS 2771

New data published today by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) shed light on the average income and expenditure per capita in Israeli cities.

The report "Household Expenditures in the 15 Largest Cities in Israel in 2017" opens with the following data: 
Gross income per household in Israel is NIS 20,027; The net income is NIS 16,518 and the average monthly expenditure per household is NIS 13,114.
In Rehovot, the most money spent: NIS 14,056, and in Bat Yam the average of the lowest expenditure was NIS 10,455.
As always, the ultra-Orthodox cities - mainly Bnei Brak - lead the bottom of the lists in several studies
• About a quarter of the household income in Bnei Brak comes from allowances and subsidies - more than twice the national average (only 61.1% of the income comes from work). 
However, the percentage of residents of the city who live in apartments owned by them is the highest in Israel - 76.9%..
• In Bnei Brak, per capita income is the lowest in Israel - as well as expenditure per capita. The average income is only NIS 2,771, and the average expenditure is only NIS 2,357
• The average income per household in Bnei Brak stands at NIS 14,185, also the lowest in Israel.
• In Bnei Brak, the highest percentages of ownership of air-conditioners and freezers were recorded - 



  2. DIN, I see you continue to bash the entire Lakewood because R' Malkiel, one out of multiple roshei yeshiva, is an Auerbachian.

    You seriously don't get how it works. He only talks to a handful of Brisker guys in his chabura, and most of them don't even agree with his politics.

    Talk about violence. When's the last time by the way that you criticized all the modern orthodox 'machine gun Menachems' on the West Bank who get out of control, trying to be the next Baruch Goldstein?

  3. The Chiloni statistician is trying to raise eyebrows against Charedim but leaves out critical data because he wants it to appear even more scandalous than it actually is.

    What do you think all the shnorrers in America are doing for years? They are getting you to pay for their kids' diros. And mind you, many of the shnorrers don't hit the jackpot so the "home ownership" often consists of some hovel or hole in the wall. There are even Charedim living in converted shipping containers.

  4. 2:03
    Im actually For Jews taking revenge and support them ....

    I live in Israel .... and Most .... yes Most Chareidim live better than the average Israeli ... absolutely ..
    Yes I know about the schnorrers collecting money in the USA for Diras ... I never gave them a penny because my own children do not own homes ...
    The "small hovel or hole in the wall" is a tiny minority ... those days are over ...B'H

  5. 2:03
    "West Bank?' ... are you an Arab?? Because Jews call it Judaea and Sumaria....
    These cities belong to Jews and no one not even a Rebbe with a giant beard has a right to give back one inch!

  6. Seriously? You think that Baruch Goldstein was level headed when taking out dozens of them and almost inciting worldwide massacres of unzera? Halberstam Hyd on the Brooklyn Bridge was one poel yotze from that.

  7. 4:41
    Baruch Goldstein הי''ד was actually very level headed..... he was an accomplished guy fluent in Arabic as well, and was at the Mearas Hamachpeilah the night before and had heard Arabs planning an attack the next day, he was very upset that night and was convinced, rightfully so, that the Israeli mishtara would do nothing until an attack actually happened and so he was ready for them ....
    If not for his intervention we would have had a massacre with catastrophic results ...
    Your way of thinking is the thinking of the failed Satmar SHIT'ah .....
    I remember when R' Meir Kahana organized mass protests to free Soviet Jews, the Satmar Rebbe said that, that would bring "anti-Semitism." he preferred a passive approach ....
    of course looking back in history Satmar was wrong ...
    ask any of the Russian Jews who lived in Russia at the time and ask them which approach worked... Putting their plight on the front pages or sitting in Satmar Bais Medrish eating herring ..?
    believe me if we had more Goldsteins' .. Arabs would immediately stop their attacks..
    Arabs didnt need any excuse to kill Halberstam on the Brooklyn Bridge ....
    Goyim kill Jews because thats what they do ... the same guys went on to plan the 911 attack, and its funny they never mentioned Goldstein when they went on trial in New York.....
    it's Ef rats like you with your passive attitudes that encourage murder and killings of Jews!!

  8. I wasn't aware that Goldstein had any information like that. Is that documented anywhere? I was just a kid at the time and was limited in finding information which was from "mainstream" media plus a rebbi who was a Galitzianer but fort said over all the time from Satmar Ruv. In that case you are right as the Shvotim killed Shechem for the same reason according to some Rishonim of Chazal's hashkeim vehorgoi techila.

    Even like this there are still rare occasions where it's better to do nothing. Yaakov Avinu had a hava amina that Shechem was one of them but he was eventually maskim to his sons. There was one unusual massacre in Tach veTat that was an exception. The Cossacken made a "deal" with the local Ukrainians / Pollocks let us into the your fortified city and we will only kill the Jews. The Yidden had an opportunity to stop it by taking out the locals. They asked the rov what to do. He poskened that if the locals are taken out the word will get out that Yidden killed them which will cause the Ukrainians / Pollocks & all other goyim to wipe out all the Yidden before the Cossacken even get there, but if this group of Yidden becomes korbanos they will save the rest of European Jewry. Kach hava, those Yidden were korbanos & the word got around that the Cossacken doublecrossed everyone. From then on, even the heisseh anteh-Semitten like the Poilisher made no deals & even protected Yidden from Cossacken.
