Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Is Their Difference Between A Roshei Yeshivah Advocating A Boycott Of A Jewish Owned Company and BDS?

Ahhhh! I knew it ..... 
I know exactly what you are thinking reading my headline....
Is DIN crazy???? You gotta be kidding.....?

A big known Roshei Yeshivah was dissed by El AL ... lied to..... was treated badly ....
and you are questioning his "Dass Torah?" 

Just as an aside, the above picture of the Rosh Yeshiva was taken allegedly this week as he was walking by  the El AL counter to get his boarding pass to fly with El Al and this is while he was still screeching about the boycott!

Be that as it may, he publicly tore up his "Matmid El Al card" and announced to the Zionist press that he is declaring a boycott against his fellow Jew!!

I'm asking my readers .... why is he different than the BDS movement that boycotts Israel??

Oh ... because he was dissed by the El Al staff and lied to ....?
Isn't that exactly what the self-hating Jews who are leading the BDS movement say?

They are saying that Israel is dissing the Arabs and lying to the world on how they treat the Arabs living in Yehuda and Shomron ...
and so they are boycotting all Israeli products produced in the Yehuda and Shomron territories!

Guys ... we have this tiny country .... the only Jewish country in the entire world .... that is surrounded by an enemy that wants to G-D forbid annihilate the 6.5 million Jews living there .... 

And keep in mind that the entire world hates us no matter where we live ....
be it in the US, Europe, Asia or Israel .... 
and so we have now one of our very own people ...... our own Roshei Yeshivah taking a flight on a THURSDAY EVENING ...  
and yes .... gets lied to .... yes .... gets treated badly ... yes yes yes!
 Goes and announces to the entire Jew hating world media that he is boycotting his very own brothers and sisters, and yes now joining the anti-Semitic BDS movement to join their despicable tactics to boycott other Jews!!

So tell me wise guy .... what should he have done???

I'm not a Roshei Yeshivah .... far from it .... 
But if I represented Torah ... if I wore that long capoteh with the two little buttons on the back .....
If I would have had my peyos wildly growing from the side of my head ....
I would have quietly had a meeting with officials of El Al, and if I wouldn't have gotten satisfaction ... I would have not flown El Al again and ........ and ......and........

and what?????????

What???? I'm at the edge of my seat ....
What would you have done?????
What ???

Ok here goes, I representing our Holy Torah, and I being a mentor to thousands of Jewish children .... would have ....

What??? Tell me already ..I'm going insane ... What????????????

I would have kept my big fat mouth shut!!!

Hey wait a minute ... DIN ,...Wait one minute......

What about the fact that El Al went to the press and said that the frum were violent???

I searched high and low and nowhere did I find that EL AL as an airline said that the frum were violent!!
I did find  some non-frum people who were on the flight and who spoke to the press and told them that some frum people were pushing and shoving and screaming ... which we now know was a bunch of lies ....

Okayyyyyyyyyy... so are you saying we should have let this go .... let them disparage an entire group on false information??

Again ... first of all if I were the Roshei Yeshivah with the two buttons on the back .... I would have flown on Wednesday ....

DIN ...???? We heard that already .... get to the point ...

The point is ... why would a person even think whether he is frum or not or even a goy ... 
why would that person even think that a Torah Jew would ever be violent .... why would he believe that a Jew that learns Mesilas Yeshurim, Chofetz Chayim ... Pirkei Avot etc ...would raise his voice or G-D forbid his fist to strike anyone let alone another Jew!!?

I'll tell you why .....
when the regular Joe Shmo that works like a dog to put bread on his table to feed his family ...  watches how 
 Roshei Yeshiva tell their naive sheep, dressed with designer glasses, pricy Borcelino hats and pleated pants ...
 Watch Chassidishe Rebbes order their little rats to stop traffic, stopping ambulances that need to get to hospitals .... stopping people from getting to and back from work, stopping children from getting home after a full day in Yeshivah .... 
and use violence and force against anyone that opposes them ...
when they watch that on the news ... and never hear a word from real erlicha Yidden to be moicheh 
then  it isn't surprising to believe that Torah observing Jews would use violence ....

When Jews and Goyim alike watch Torah Jews burn the Israeli flag ...then it's no wonder that when people read that Orthodox Jews are violent .. they believe it ...

When hundreds of Jews hear a speech on Shabbos from a prominent Lakewood Roshei Yeshivah at a Agudah Convention defend violence against other Jews ... and no one walks out ....
then it's no wonder that people equate Frum Torah Jews with hooligans! 

What I would have done ... is go to the press as some passengers did and tell them the truth ...... that there were non frum Jews on the flight who are self - hating Jews, who lied ... 

That's all I would do ... then I would make an announcement to Frum Jewish Leaders that "lo zu haderech" ... that in the future we will do legal peaceful protests .... so that never again will someone ever believe that an observant Jew who is a Shomer Torah Um'itvois would raise his fist to strike another human being for whatever reason except in self defense...



  1. Not too shabby. He flies business class with the money we donate to his Yeshiva

  2. I'm under the impression he's not a rosh yeshiva but rather a businessman who runs a network of yeshivos.
