Wednesday, August 1, 2018

House Speaker Paul Ryan shocked and proud to learn he's part Jewish

Oy vey!
House Speaker Paul Ryan nearly plotzed recently when he found out that he has Jewish roots, but said he’s kvelling over the news.

The conservative Wisconsin Republican made the discovery through the PBS show “Finding Your Roots With Henry Louis Gates Jr.”
Gates’ show traced Ryan’s heritage back to his 10th great-grandfather who was born in Germany in 1531. Tests show Ryan is 3 percent Ashkenazi Jewish, according to the college professor.

"You could have knocked him over with a feather and then he was very proud of it," Gates said. "We don't know who that Jewish person was, but we know it was on his mother's German line, which makes sense. 
So somebody who was a Christian German slept with a Jewish German person and that's where that came from."

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