Thursday, August 2, 2018

Belzer Rebbitzen Dances Mitzvah Tantz

The "Mitzvah Tantz" is usually the last dance at Chassidic Weddings, and the minhag is that close family like the father of the bride, her brothers, grandfather, and the Holy Rebbe 
dance with the Kallah with a gartel

This dance has never ever allowed other
 women to dance the Mitzvah Dance since its in front of other men and is not in the realm of tzneeis
See the above video where the Badchan calls her to dance the Mitzvah Tantz in front of the entire world
Just  a note .... I think that the Belzer Rebbettzin is a role model and an "isha tzeidkis"


  1. Why is the video cut off before the dancing ?

  2. because if we are going to see the Belzer Rebetzin might CHAS V'SHALOM turn us on :)
