Thursday, May 17, 2018

Jewish moments in honor of the the groundbreaking Seinfeld sitcom which ended this week in 1998

Kramer runs a Jewish singles event

Kramer hands Jerry and Elaine flyers for a Jewish singles event, saying he expects them to be there. “But I’m not Jewish,” says Elaine. “Well, neither am I,” Kramer responds. Later, as he’s making kreplach for the event in Jerry’s kitchen, Kramer tries to convince Jerry to try one. “Eat, eat,” he says, “you’re skin and bones!”

George is a white supremacist

Jerry and George spot an opportunity for a free limo ride home from the airport when they see a driver holding a placard for someone who missed the flight that Jerry was on. But, as it turns out, George must pretend to be a neo-Nazi leader to avoid detection. If you’ve ever tried to picture a couple of New York Jews trying to impersonate a white supremacist, it goes pretty much how you’d think.


Elaine discovers that Jewish men have a “thing” for non-Jewish women. “What does being a shiksa have to do with it?” she asks George. “You’ve got shiksappeal,” he says. “Jewish men love the idea of meeting a woman that’s not like their mother.”

The mohel

Jerry and Elaine are invited to be the godparents to their friend’s son. Of course, in Judaism, that means helping with the circumcision — and holding the baby during the procedure. Jerry and Elaine like the prospect of being godparents, but the bris part, not so much. Then the mohel, who is in charge of performing the circumcision, shows up.

The babka

When the four friends are invited to a dinner party, Jerry and Elaine must bring a dessert. But when the person ahead of them in line buys the last chocolate babka, it sparks a philosophical argument and a chain of events that puts a damper on their whole evening.

The Cadillac

Jerry buys his father a new car as a gift. Of course, in the heavily-Jewish Florida retirement community of Del Boca Vista, nothing is so simple.

The kosher meal

When on an airplane, Elaine goes to the bathroom and when she returns, is told that the only meal left is a kosher meal. “A kosher, meal,” she says. “I don’t want a kosher meal. I know even know what a kosher meal is!”

The anti-Dentite

This entire episode is chock full of hilarious Jewish jokes — but the scene where Jerry visits a confessional to discuss his reservations about the legitimacy of his dentist’s conversion to Judaism is comic gold. Jerry’s gripe? He thinks Dr. Whatley converted just for the jokes.

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