Thursday, December 14, 2017

Satmar & Auerbach Terrorists Continue to Disgrace the Memory of Harav Shteinman z"l

The Posters cursing Rav Shteinman z"l appear in Satmar Shul's bulletin board

Some Satmar savage donated kokosh cake celebrating Rav Shteinman's death
it reads in part that 
"Rav Shteinman followed in the ways of of Kook YM"S"
using the term "YM"S" a term used for Hitler !

Auerbach Newspaper cursing and celebrating the death of Rav Shteinman z"l

Auerbach savages destroying the notices of Rav Shteinman's petirah

These are Auerbach Terrorists that defaced the signs!


  1. This is the legacy Reb Yoilish left behind,he spawned these criminal Jew hating gangsters as he brainwashed them with his two antisemitic Israel and Jew hating manifestos "vayoel Moshe" and Al hagula v'al hatmura"

  2. While not publicized; when tit-baum met Har AY KOOK: he refered to him as Ha'Tzadik Hagaon.

    1. WhOrEman
      Idiot, "while not publicized" don't you think if the Satmar Ruv would've met the עוף טמא קוק it would have been published over and over? But in reality he never met him and in the contrary קוק is the only person he ever wrote on him either שר"י or ימ"ש like all real ehrlicha רבנים from that generation

  3. R they'd also put out KAKA-SH cake they seem to have the monopoly on it

  4. Satmar...once again lowering the bar.....for Humanity.
    Maybe Hitler saw these filth and thought all Jews are like Satmar.

  5. Yoilish had diseased spawn.

  6. What can we expect from clowns who pretend to be ultra religious know it all,they are in reality an embarrasment to say the least on the rest of the jews

  7. May all the curses befall his sick followers
    Yoilish was an a$$hole

    1. Lowering yourself to their level...

  8. @9:22 PM, I really think that Rav Kook zt"l was a good guy and doesn't deserve those titles... Although at the time Zionism was mostly made up of secular Jews and not a good movement, he broke the split in the Jewish World by making Frum Zionism...

    Rav Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld zt"l, who was extremely anti-Zionism-of-that-time got along well with him. Why? Perhaps because he didn't let their differences of opinion blind him and make him not see Rav Kook's Gadlus. This too is what we must do with people, I believe. Not let our differences of opinion get in the way.

    It seems more likely, by the way, that the Satmar Rebbe zt"l perhaps would have referred to Rav Kook zt"l with titles of respect than titles of dishonor, to be honest. I mean, yeah, you might not see eye to eye with the Satmar Rebbe, or Rav Kook for that matter, but they were both Gedolim. No denying that.

    Gut Nacht, Gut Shabbos and a very Freilichen Chanukah to everyone!

  9. newspaper like that if it's real which I'm not sure it is wants to make you leave Judaism

  10. HE did meet him. in 1923. Do not recall which paper carried the article. Rav Kook did not eat questionable stuffed geese or PTcha to be metaken the Midat HaYesod. He saved the Yishuv and the Yeshivas in Europe raising money in US in 1925. there are 13 Shvents in a Shtreimel and Satmar is the crown shabat shalom

  11. @@@Zionism was mostly made up of secular Jews and not a good movement///
    was a great movement but secularists did what the orthodox leaders refused to do and heed the calls of G-D via the Balfour declar and other events.
    Proof is State today, so many religious , shuls and yeshivos. you people need to stop living in a fantasy world and see what's going on, you're only kidding yourselves by dredging up who was against it. G-D is for it and that should be good enough for you and everybody else. you people are like the nerds who see an ice cream cone in front of their eyes and say no it's not ice cream, my mother and rabbis were against ice cream and didn't believe it, how much longer you people want to deny facts/

  12. whore-man,
    that says it all Lol, and admits to it, Lol, whore-man ben whore, Lol

  13. Simon why you arguing with demented?

  14. In which satmer was this posted? We stopped buying marvid since the last poster against rav shteinman was printed by that faction.

  15. @10:13 AM, No. It began as a bad movement. Baruch Hashem it isn't anymore.

    Gut Shabbos all.

  16. to 10.13,
    This isn't a computer, Trump isn't the president, pygmies don't exist, Australia is a fairy tale with kangaroos, women are non existent ,USA has only 48 states, children are born gender neutral, Chelm believed the earth is a square and were against circles .Hillary won. Nobody landed on the moon. Cows moo without a blessing so their kahsruth is questionable. Chickens are ok because they lay eggs before netilat yadaim.

  17. @Aish, Are you saying that the words of great rabbis such as Rabbi Mohiliver , Rav Kasher, Rav Kalischer, Chibas Tziyon, the Malbim, Rav Guttmacher, religious who emigrated because of their belef in Zionism and became farmers in the land, and dozens of other tzaddiks was a bad movement? You're reading propaganda which excludes these great people. Rather say, that the movement was overtaken by secular elements because the religious masses who agreed with Zionism were shut down but the movement was holy and it succeeded. Accept it or you'll be the ice cream nerd.

  18. aishkodesh, you're kidding, Jews tried to escape persecution and murder to build Israel and you're judging them that it was bad. So was it good that millions stayed and were killed/ What the hell are you talking about.

  19. //// a bad movement//////

    wow. This bad movement saved Rabbi Teitelbaum , the Rabbi of Belz, escapees from German occupied countries, saved mid-eastern Jews and risked their lives at Entebbe. gave safe haven to rabbi of Gur and Rav Steinman .

  20. During the plague of Darkness, 4/5 of Jewry , roughly in the millions, many big people, perished because they called the soon to be Exodus movement, a bad movement . These were the holier than thou minions of a deviant shitah.

  21. I'm 12,23 and meant to say that there were some bad people in a great movement, so you shouldn't call the entire movement bad. Just like you don't want to call any frum sect bad because theyre some bad apples in it.

  22. #1, As I said, it is not a bad movement now. But @12:23 PM, yeah, it's true that the bad part of it was when it was overtaken by secular Yidden. My apologies. Although originally, if you look at it's history, it didn't start out on Torah-basis really.

    Please let it be clear that I have nothing against Zionism and love Artzeinu HaKedosha.

  23. Aish Kodesh, You're a good man but you're too harsh on the Zionist movement as a whole. Look at the positives there. Gut Shabbos to you too.

    1. If you daven 3 times a day you say ולירושלים עירך ברחמים תשוב
      We yearn to return to our homeland
      Why the hatred towards Chilonim
      Who are we to judge. They are good enough to be in the Police force Fire Department Army Airforce etc. They give their life so we can live in freedom

    2. In Yiddish we say
      העלף דיר אליינס וועד דער רובנו של עולם דיר העלפין

  24. @2:17 PM, I apologize... I just have read and heard some reliable accounts of how earlier Zionism was. But I shouldn't be too harsh. I really shouldn't.

    @8:46 PM, No hatred really towards Chilonim here. I Daven for the welfare of the IDF and Eretz Yisroel almost every single Shabbos!

    Gut Voch and a Lichtiger Chanukah everyone to you and your families!

  25. The proper pronunciation is
    " A Lechtigen Chanukah "
    Not lechtiger I take it you cannot speak Yiddish

  26. Rudolph Kastner the secular Zionist apparently did help Teitelbaum escape. But let's not forget that Kastner was also a Nazi collaborator so that's apparently why Eichmann Y"S allowed Kastner and his cohorts to escape Hungary.

    Do we know if Teitelbaum was also a Nazi collaborator?

  27. to satmar Watch 9:33
    Not only was Kastner a " Nazi collaborator" but so was was R' Yoilish Teitelbaum and the Belzer Rebbe z"l; both of them told their chassidim to remain in Europe while they ran the dickens out of there! .... the only difference between the "Nazi collaborator" Kastner and the "Nazi collaborator" R' Yoielish was , that Kasner managed to save Jews while R' Yoilish let his chassidim die!

  28. @7:37 AM, Actually, that is just how I learnt it. Different Girsah's I guess.

    @DIN, That's a bit harsh and you're putting it in a worse light than it really was...

  29. There are no girsahs you either speak Yiddish or jiberish

  30. @12:06 AM, I don't know. That's just how I learnt it. Don't think it matters too much anyway, though.

    A very Freilichen rest-of-Chanukah all!

    1. Just proves how assimilated you are no Yiddish no Ivrit.
      Just an assimilated American that only knows how to speak English

  31. Baruch Hashem, I do not only know English, and am not assimilated. Of course, I am American though...

  32. Can you speak or read Ivrit?
    Can you speak or read Yiddish?
    Well then you are assimilated, what is the language of the Israelites, the Jewish people?

  33. @8:04 AM, Can I read Hebrew? Absolutely. Can I read Yiddish? Yep. I learn all-Hebrew Seforim, sir.

    Can I speak Hebrew fluently, not really. Not yet anyway.

  34. אויסגעלאסנטער אמעריקאנער פערד מאכט זית וואו א פרומער איד
    ממש אשטיק פאץ

  35. די ביסט א צודריידער פיר פיסידיקער בהמה
    Can you please translate Dr. Aish

  36. The one where you said that an American horse offender made me a Frumma Yid, or the next one where you called me an animal?

    1. Sorry Tzaddik not an accurate translation Ask your father to help you
      Nice try

    2. דער גולם איז נעבאך אזא טמבל ער פריווד זיך איינרעדן אז ער קען רעדן אידיש ער פארשטייט את מכה

    3. Your attempt to translate is a failure get someone who truly speaks Yiddish to help you
      You obviously cannot read what the guy wrote

  37. You didm't answer my question sir. Which one? I translated them well anyway. I know :)

    1. There's no cure for a mental illness

    2. Neither is correct you're a bloody fool

  38. לא להתווכח עם הבחור הזה המסכן מטורף לא מבין ולא מדבר שום שפה חוץ מאנגלית

  39. מפוגר ומטוטם אש יש אולי אבל שכל בטח אין

  40. Muchas Loco pendecho

  41. I'm pretty sure they are... Why do you continue ranting on here like this? Is everything alright in your life?

    I mean, it really doesn't matter to me if you give me a hard time. But what if you were doing it to other people?...

  42. Translate
    you poor soul you cannot understand one comment

  43. Can you translate any of the comments made about you

  44. Yes sir, I can. What's the problem here? It makes you feel badly if I understand Yiddish?

  45. Well then translate
    1:18 & 1:20 is Ivrit dummy

  46. עזוב אותו מטי הוא מפגר

  47. Who cares if Aish speaks Yiddish or not ... "at this point what difference does it make?'
    Our אבות didn't speak a word Yiddish ....
    Rashi and all the בעלי תוספות didn't speak one word yiddish ...

    but Aish ,,,, just for the record it is Punktfarkert .....
    The word Punkt is German (yes ... indeed the language of the ones who murdered 6 million Jews) and means exactly "Punktlich" which means exactly on time ..

    1. Who cares about you

  48. Our אבות spoke the language of Ivrit
    You antisemite

  49. Awww din din you made teepesh kodesh cry

  50. Yes I know it is Ivrit. I also know Hebrew (or Ivrit), FYI. Although I'm a lot better in Biblical Hebrew/Rabbinic Hebrew than Modern Hebrew AKA Ivrit.

  51. Awww din din you made teepesh kodesh cry

  52. יש לך מזל שלהיות מפגר לא כואב
    בזנב של תרנגולת יש יותר שכל ממה שיש בראש
    Please translate aish teepesh

  53. תן לו לחיות הוא מסכן גדול מטורף ומפוגר האש הזה

  54. אם אתה באמת קורא ומבין עברית אז תדע לך שאתה מטורף ומפגר

  55. @2:55 PM, I know how to read Hebrew, but Baruch Hashem, I am not either crazy or retarded. Proof? :)

    And as well, Baruch Hashem, I am a Yid, not an anti-semite.

    I apologize if I have caused you any hurt...
