Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Watch Today's Peleg Protests As Their Leader Enjoys Some "Kasha Varnishkas"


  1. The Shtark meshugeners are trying to take over the country and drive it into the abyss.

  2. uneducated cult members, who need their Rebbe to tell them when they can eat, wash, fart and f*ck.
    Why did Hashem make these tools capable of critical thought if they are too afraid to use it. Wasted lives.
    As my booba would say:- Schtick Fleisch mit zwei oigen.

  3. They should put some nude ladies out there that should do it

    1. Yep.
      Any woman who is stuck on one of these traffic tie ups, just get out of your car, and slowly and calmly begin to disrobe, one article of clothing at a time. Trust me, problem solved.

  4. Farsholten zoll zien theya pisk vos ret of erlicha yiden. Foolish Isreal fan's

  5. 9:20
    ר׳ חיים קאניעבסקי האט געריפען דעם אצטער bachelor א " זקן ממרא״

  6. 9:20
    אין די ביסט א פארשאלטענע בהמה אין א אפגעריסענע נער

  7. די און זקן ממראה וועט מען מלן ביים האלז וויל אייר קאפ איז אן ערלה

  8. The גמדא in sanhedriel 36 says-implys that those without children are cruel... i pray that rav smueal should find a שידוך and stop making we jerusamites suffer...( he is a alman 28 years)

  9. Shmulik Auerbach should be circumsized from there neck he's not only a disgrace to judaism but a disgrace to humanity. He's gotten tired of his Onanism so now he became a different kind of sexual predator

  10. He's been playing with himself for 28 years he's a sick pervert
    No different than the HOLY berland

  11. Fill the jails with these FRUM leaches
    as well as their fearless retarded leader

  12. In the middle of the 20th century Chareidi evolution was at a turning point.
    Natural selection, the process by which the strongest, the smartest...the fastest reproduced
    in greater numbers than the rest...a process which had once favored the noblest traits of Yiddishkeit now began to favor different traits.
    Most science fiction of the day predicted a future that was more civilized... and more intelligent.
    But as time went on, things seemed to be heading in the opposite direction.
    A dumbing down of Chareidi Hashkafa.
    How did this happen?
    Evolution does not necessarily reward intelligence. With no pressing reasons to advance intellectual curiosity, to advance critical thinking, and retain scientific endeavor in their Chareidi Hashkafa, it began to simply reward those who reproduced the most and left the intelligent to become an endangered species.
    Having kids is such an important decision.
    Smart folks just wait for the right time.
    It's not something you want to rush into, obviously.
    No way.
    Oh, shit,
    The uber-tzniusdik wife is pregnant again! And so so it went for generations...although few, if any, seemed to notice.
    But in the early 21st century, evolution running in reverse manifested itself in the Chareidi Hashkafa with crackpot vegetable and unfiltered water chumras. Pictures and names of modestly dressed women expunged from Chareidi society. And of course the extremist Chareidi riots and acquiescence by most Chareidi factions.
    To those who doubt evolution, it’s effect on Chareidi Society is a clear refutation of evolution deniers.

  13. 1:37 PM, who says he's been playing with himself?!

    1. Are you really that naive or just a compulsive liar

    2. Hey whats wrong with a little
      FWK (Fun Without Kidushin ( yeish lachkar about the F).

  14. Cause he just like you and any Normal male who has to relieve his sexual tention. 95 % of males masturbate the other 5% lie.
    It's just as normal as eating or sleeping there does not exist a human being that can truly say they never masturbated

  15. Aish Kodesh You're a liar as if you never masturbated now don't lie

  16. Cause he just like you and any Normal male who has to relieve his sexual tention. 95 % of males masturbate the other 5% lie.
    It's just as normal as eating or sleeping there does not exist a human being that can truly say they never masturbated

  17. 11:06 PM, I do not mastur..... don't want to finish that word, and I am a normal male with regular se.... (not going to finish that word either) tensions... A person can control themselves!

    1. You're a frigging LIAR you more likely did as you went through puberty.
      Where in the Torah does it say you're allowed to lie.
      You continue to masturbate like every healthymale

  18. Aish Kodesh as in Moishe weinberg

  19. AishKodesh 12:05 PM,

    Apparently certain words stress out your competence to process certain normal human sexual activities. So allow me to render a bit of psychological balm to your unchaste phobia. Repeat after me MASTURBATE MASTURBATE MASTURBATE. Ahhh, did that relieve your prurient tensions.
    However, perhaps you can offer me some advice with regard to my sexual tensions. Lewd thoughts of normal sexual pursuits just don’t do it for me any more; they just don’t turn me on. But recently visions of bald headed women have recharged my libido and daydreams of bald-headed Satmar ladies have energized my right hand to its former proficiency. I just can’t keep my lust for bald headed Satmar women in check? Do you have any advice?
    Oh BTW, if repeating MASTURBATE doesn’t help, try repeating this phrase from the Gemara
    BIYA SHELO K’DARKA. Do it 3 times a day for a week and MASTURBATE will roll off your lips.

    1. Abe the poor soul is obviously sick leave the town idiot alone
      He was born through biya shel kdarka

  20. aishkodesh, why are you responding to these stupid attacks by angry troubled posters?

    1. I'm a masochist I love this,
      Love always
      aish kodesh

  21. I do not masturb*** and I am not lying 2:35 PM. Yes, the Torah does indeed say you are not allowed to lie, and so I am not.
