Monday, August 7, 2017

Satmar Savages Brainwash their Children Against Israel in Satmar Camp on Tisha Be'OV

For those who say that Satmar is not Neturei Karta; let this video disabuse you of this naive notion......

There is absolutely no difference between Satmar and Neturei Karta ideology! 

Listen to their lies, that the "IDF forces Yeshiva Boys be drafted" ...
That is a bald faced lie... any yeshiva boy that learns and is a "dati" can get exemption! 

This video was filmed on Tisha Be'Ov ....


  1. Theese mindless moronic satmerers are the pits they are truly a hatefull bunch, oisvorfs degenerate suicidal maniacs is what they really are

  2. Which faction is it? Zali?

    What is wrong with those naive Roshei Yeshiva like R. Aaron Schechter, Wachtfogel, A.M. Kotler, who ally themselves with such people??? Have they lost their minds? Shame on them.

    P.S. Satmar chinuch must be failing, they have a youngster who speaks English, a foreign tongue for them, without much of accent.

    The good news is that other Hasidic sects strongly reject their approach. Even one like Belz has shifted from Edah Haredis to a more moderate position in recent decades.

  3. August 7, 2017 at 3:18 PM--You are mentally deranged just like your satmerer bros,go get help before you self destruct just like they are in the process of doing.

  4. My eyes must be deceiving me: Forced Draft into the immoral Israeli Army is nothing but an attempt to uproot our Judaism?!
    1. the Israeli army is the most moral in the world. Which other army besides the IDF drops leaflets, sends sms, loud speakers, to warn of an impending attack, which in turn hurts us more, if things there are removed or moved to a new location(i.e. missiles, bombs, explosives, terrorist masters, etc.)
    2. there are Lubavitch generals down to simple soldiers, there is kosher in the army on various levels.
    3. there is no forced draft for certain people, as stated in the intro.
    Shame, Shame, on them for such lies, especially to young, innocent, naive children!

    1. Shekhtman,
      You're right. But it's their behavior within the army that is immoral. Do I have to get in to more detail?

  5. I almost threw up watching this. Too bad not one of them has much intelligence to question if that is the truth and go to Israel to see for themselves what really goes on. Also disappointing are the signs that the kids themselves made WITH SPELLING ERRORS! It seems the average was around 10-12. No kid should have misspelled ISRAELI or GOVERNMENT. This alone shows they are the ones with problems. If you want to make your case heard, at least take the time to spellcheck and grammar check your work.

  6. indoctrination, just like communists used to do with the young children

  7. jancsi, it's not just not Satmar who are my brothers and sisters. You are my brother too! Klal Yisroel is a family, and we should treat each other as such.

  8. Jancsi,is a mindless Hungarian MARMAROSHER FERD and a former TUCHES LEKER of Shmaryah Rosenberg

  9. Aish, I don't know you but if satmar is your brothers, then you aint my brother.
    Absolutely despicable how they poison little minds, and on tisha b'av of all days.
    What comes out of a dogs tuches is more holy than all of satmar combined, and it smells better too.

  10. We still are all family. Even in families there are less worthy ones....

  11. August 8, 2017 at 6:44 PM--It takes a MARMAROSHER FERD to know a MARMAROSHER FERD.

  12. Yossel G
    It's not only within the army that their behavior is "immoral" ..... their "immoral" behavior is also in Williamsburg, Monroe, Monsey, Boro-Park, Meah Searim, Beit Shemesh and Bnei brak ....
    someone who wants to behave "immoral" will do it wherever he is ...
