Sunday, August 13, 2017

Satmar מקדש שם שמים Teaching Their Children to Curse Other Jews


  1. Where do you see a curse?

  2. PHUQ the satmar bastards.
    Low life scum bags

  3. 5:58
    Did u read it? I don't think so .....
    because ציונים ימ''ש
    is a curse ... no?

    1. In your header you wrote cursing other "Jews", and ציונים ימ"ש are the ערב רב מזרע עמלק and not Jews, they don't believe in the basics of Judaism, we're מתפלל 3 times daily ולמלשינים which is meant for the ציונים ימ"ש who match the entire profiles of מינים ואפיקורסים

  4. Leave it to Sh*tmar to utilize a language that doesn't have its own word for protest and helicopter.
    זאלן זיי אלע האבן מיתה משונה

  5. these gypsy Romanian anti-Semitic Jew hating KAPO bastards have taken themselves out of Klal-Yisroel,they are the EIREV RAV of this generation.

  6. Not every mistake of Satmar, etc. needs to be publicized. Would YOU like someone to publicize all of YOUR aveiros?

  7. 11:35
    There is a big difference between an individual doing an Aveirah and a Frum Organization that is חוטא ומחטא את הרבים
    By Satmar there is an inyan of מצוה לפרתם

  8. Aish, please stop sucking up to satmar already. They have proven time after time how despicable they are. Have you ever been in a shul on shabbos with satmar chasidim? They do not daven a single word. All they do is talk. If the tisha bav videos were not enough for you, then you seriously need to see a shrink. Satmar = Useless Shit.

  9. 2:03, No. They are not useless whatever. And I am also not kissing up to them. Is not speaking Lashon Hara and thinking the best of people kissing up to one orginization? I would say it is trying to be a Gutte Yid!

  10. AishKodesh,
    Had you lived 70 years ago during the holocaust and witnessed those Jewish Kapo bastards helping the Nazis murder their own brothers and sisters,would you have said there also we cant talk bad about them and we must love them,i think the answer is obvious that no normal person would claim that not even you.
    We should all realize that this generation of ours has Our own KAPO'S and they are non other than these filthy Satmar gangsters who openly help the Arab-Nazi murderers in their effort to deligitamize and eventually destroy the Jewish state,these filthy murderous animals have an organization called called "NUTRINA" which spends hundreds of thousands of dollars a year on Radio and print media ads disseminating vicious anti Israel propaganda in which they claim that Jews have no right to any part of Eretz Yisroel (before the arrival of the Messiah) and it realy belongs to the Palestinians.
    Four years ago when three Jewish teenagers were brutally slaughtered by the Hammas animals,their chief Kapo 'Aron Teitel-Bum blamed their parents for having the audacity to live in their God given homeland.
    Remmemer two years ago when Israel's prime minister came to beg the U.S congress to have pity on the lives of the six million Jews living in the holy land and not let Hussein Obama "yemach shemo" make this suicidal and murderous nuclear deal with Iran,what did this filthy kapo murderous bastard do? he instructed the mayor of Kiryas Joel to write letters to all their representatives and instruct them to vote for the Iran deal,if this is not called being a Kapo,i don't know what is.

  11. DIN and his cheer quad - including that loathsome Marmarosh Ferd Janci - have you any thoughts about the hundreds of thousands of Sefaradi Jews that the Zionists shmad - in the early days of the medina.

    Previously nearly all Jews in Morocco Tunisia Algeria Yemen and the other countries were shomrei Torah umitzvos.

    So what happened to their families who were torn from the parents and traditions?

    Jails in Israel - as well as in chutz laaretz - are full of these genuine tinokos shenishbu!! 95% have Sefaradi backgrounds.

    And what about the thousands of babies stolen under the auspices of the govt? And the fascist treatment of R Uzi Meshulem who exposed this?

    So instead of concentrating on the naarishkeiten that Satmar kids are up to, cast your gaze on those Zionist criminals who have destroyed generations of Jews -

  12. 6:27
    Have you given any thought to the thousands off Jews that went off the Derech from Williamsburg, Boro Park, Monroe, Monsey, and Lakewood?
    What about the children from Iran that were "torn from the parents and traditions" by Satmar gypsies?
    What about all the "babies stolen under the auspices of the govt" and then sold to Satmar Holocaust survivors who had no children?
    You scribble:"Jails in Israel - as well as in chutz laaretz - are full of these genuine tinokos shenishbu!! 95% have Sefaradi backgrounds."
    What about the Jails in the USA? are full frum people with Heimishe backgrounds?

    Did you ever give any thought to that?

  13. to anonymous who says that HUNDREDS OF HOUSANDS were shmad,
    this is a stinking lie, there were a few hundred and now there is an investigation by the Netanyahu government to finally find out what happened to them, the report is due any week. ur so concerned about Torah yet u lie about facts w/o a problem or consceience

  14. 11:20 PM, The Satmar Rebbe zt"l was in the Holocaust himself -- certainly the Satmars never helped kill other Jews -- especially not in the Holocaust.

  15. Aish, take a moment. Pull your head out of your ass and take a deep cleansing breath. You are outnumbered here. You need to know that the satmar rebbe told everyone in the town in europe that they need not fear the nazis. And then, when the attack was imminent, he left them all to die while he got his hairy ass on the Kastner (i.e. tziyoni) train. The man was no saint. Satmar is a wart on the jewish body. A wart that we should all watch very carefully. So yes, Satmar = Shit.

  16. Please just stop. I refuse to fall prey to speaking badly or ven thinking badly of Satmar -- and not just Satmar.
