Monday, June 19, 2017

Palestinian Authority Names Square After Mastermind of Ma’alot Massacre

Mere days before two envoys from U.S. President Donald Trump were to arrive in the region to continue their pursuit of the elusive, “ultimate deal” for peace between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, the PA government in Ramallah named yet another square after a terrorist.

The newly inaugurated “Martyr Khaled Nazzal Square,” is named after the terror leader who planned the attack that led to the murder of 22 children and four adults in the Ma’alot Massacre on May 15, 1974. This is just the latest example of the Palestinian Authority’s relentless glorification of terrorists.
This new square in Jenin is named after terrorist Khaled Nazzal, the Secretary of the Central Committee of the Democratic Front for Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), and commander of its military branch.
Nazzal was responsible for the Ma’alot Massacre, during which terrorists took school children and their teachers as hostages, and eventually murdered 22 children and four adults.
Terrorist Nazzal also planned an attack which resulted in the murder of four hostages in an apartment in Beit She’an (Nov. 11, 1974), and a shooting and grenade attack in central Jerusalem in which one person was murdered and 47 others were wounded (April 2, 1984).
The “Martyr Khaled Nazzal Square” was inaugurated on this past Thursday (June 15, 2017) at a rally with Palestinian Authority officials, “under the auspices of the Jenin District and the [Jenin] municipality.” Participants included the Deputy District Governor of the Jenin District, and the DFLP in Jenin. Deputy Mayor of Jenin Mahmoud Abu Mweis spoke at the event and “emphasized that our leadership and our people will continue on the path of the Martyrs.” [Jeningate, independent Palestinian Authority news website, June 15, 2017]
On the monument to the terrorist Nazzal at the new “Martyr Khaled Nazzal Square” in Jenin, the text read:
Martyr Khaled Nazzal Square
“We must guard the flowers of the Martyrs (quote from song by Palestinian Authority poet Mahmoud Darwish)
“1948-1986, for a free Palestine
Translation provided by the Palestinian Media Watch.


  1. Wouldn't be surprised if one day we will hear that a new street in KIRYAS YOEL
    has been named after Yassir Arafat

    1. It won't happen, but his name is more preferred than herzl and all other evil subhuman scum-dog pigs the founders of Zionism who are all much worse than all Jewish oppressors throughout the ages combined including Hitler and Stalin

  2. You say "other evil subhuman scum-dog pigs the founders of Zionism who are all much worse than all Jewish oppressors throughout the ages combined including Hitler and Stalin".

    Please guard your tongue from evil and falsehood...

  3. 3,28 is like a delusional Democrat who barks and foams because Trump won and will win again a second term , Israel will be here strong forever, he's lost his sanity and he's throwing furniture at the chandelier, people and expensive mirrors like Hillary did, in other words he's Resist, resist.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It won't happen, but his name is more preferred than herzl and all other evil subhuman scum-dog pigs the founders of Zionism who are all much worse than all Jewish oppressors throughout the ages combined including Hitler and Stalin
    Here my friends you can see the fruits and legacy of Reb Joilish's anti Jewish and anti Israel anti-semitic manifesto 'vayoel moshe" a generation of Jews who were brainwashed with a pathological and insane hatred of Eretz Yisroel and Zionism,and the mere mention of our Israel our holy God given land they turn into rabies infected dogs foaming at the mouth,a perfect example we have in front of us the "Anonymous at 3:28 AM"

  5. ב"ה

    7:51 AM, 3:28 decided on his own Hashkafa -- it isn't necessarily from the Satmar Rebbe zt"l.
