Friday, March 3, 2017

Zaloinim Protest Belzer Rebbi Because He Allowed Natanyahu to be Menachem Avel

Interesting ..... there are no Aroinim Rabbis signing this crap ..... I wonder why?
Do you think that the fact that the Belzer and R'Aaron are married to sisters has something to do with this ? Naaaaah .....


  1. Oy gevalt mammesh theese Belzers are chayev mise unbeleivable they dare meet or let Natanyahu come close to them

  2. Enough already with all this Satmar Shtoooos!

    I'm off to watch another rerun of " My Son The Schnorrer " on the Zalmani Satmar channel.
    Today's episode:
    Shaindi Hindy, considers going off the derech when her husband Nachman Zalman convinces her that the Satmar Rebbe proclaimed that the Halacha is to perform the Mitzvah of Pru U'rvu in the Succah and she is rushed to the ER after the neighbor's Rottweiler mistakes her love moans for a burglar.

  3. Satmar trash, jew hating scum
    They're Hitler s chasidim

  4. Abe 2:06p.m.

    A Zollie Satmar causing a woman to "Love Moan"?


    Seriously, what could cause it?
    The stench of his Herring breath? Or the Dandruff from his Peyos falling in her mouth?
