Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Wonder what the Bochrim do Bein Hazmanim? They don't open a Sefer.... they protest

There is a law in the State of Israel that you must register for the draft, period... you can then ask for a "petur" which is an exemption if you are enrolled in a Yeshivah .... 

ALL Gedoilei Yisroel have instructed Bochrum to register for the draft, and just this morning the Satmar Rebbe in Monroe agreed, and instructed Bochrim residing in Israel to register...

There is on guy, who is followed by thousands, Shmulei the bachelor, Auerbach who has defied all Gedoilim and instructed his sheep not to register ..... causing havoc and chaos on the streets of all Chareidie neighborhoods....

 These are protests are against the IDF, because the IDF has imprisoned those who failed to register for the draft. 
The leader, Shmulei, is an old geezer, who will never be drafted so it is easy for him to give orders that will never apply to him or his offspring (he doesn't have any r"l).

The Eida Hachreidis, headed by the Satmar Rebbe of Williamsburg, who hates his brother R' Aron the Satmar Rebbe of Monroe, wants to continue his personal family fight and  has now officially joined the Auerbach fanatics to help disrupt civilian life in Yerushalyim .... The Eida Hachreidis is the "holy" "hashgacha in Israel, and even though they have been caught up in scandal after scandal with their fraudulent hashgachos, the Charaidim support them 100%......  

So if you have children staying in Israel for Pesach, rest assured they haven't opened a sefer, they  are busy hanging around those useless protests that block traffic, block ambulances, and block people from getting home, and will continue to eat Treif with the Eida Hachreidie Hashgacha.

Thousands of haredim are gathered this evening, Tuesday, on Jerusalem’s Malchei Yisrael Street, the main street connecting the haredi neighborhoods in central Jerusalem, for a protest defined as “the protest of thousands” against “the decree of the draft.”
The background for the protest is a number of arrests of haredi youth who did not show up to the draft office and were defined, as a result, as “deserters” by the IDF.
In addition to the central group of protesters on Malchei Yisrael Street, which has been closed to traffic, additional protesters are engaged in confrontations with police on Sarei Yisrael Street at the edges of the haredi neighborhoods, where they are intermittently blocking the Street.
The demonstration this evening is the first significant joint effort between members of the “Edah Haharedit,” an extremist haredi group cut off from the State and its institutions since the State’s founding, and the “Jerusalem Faction,” a haredi group which, after the death of Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, broke off from the central stream of the Lithuanian haredi sector and functions under the leadership of Rabbi Shmuel Auerbach.
One of the speakers at the demonstration compared the State of Israel to the host of enemies of the Jewish people throughout the generations. “The first Prime Minister of Israel, whose name it is forbidden to mention, may his name and memory be erased, said that within 20 years there wouldn’t be a shtreimel [fur hat worn by some haredi men] here, and we are here today and this is our revenge. We will fill the jails. They won’t scare us,” he said. “We got past Pharaoh, we got passed the Spanish Inquisition, we got past Hitler, we’ll get past you, too.”


  1. The frum misfits are not suitable for the army anyways.
    Instead of allowing the schmucks to riot put them all on kitchen or cleaning duty.
    After cleaning toilets or peeling potatoes they just might come to their senses

  2. They do that during the zman too - please don't spread this - parents won't allow their boys to DO Israel.

  3. It wasn't just DIN that missed this story. All the heimisher blogs except for Tuchess oifen Tish missed it.


    The FBI has arrested Zisha Blech client Mickey Schlisser of Pomona for a ponzi scheme that the funds really went to his Challah Fairy bakery & restaurant run by his wife Chanalee. Mickey has been behind other ponzi schemes before including one that sent him to the slammer for 5 years. And multiple bankruptcies from the Gallilee kosher cheese commpany to now with Challah Fairy.

  4. When was the last time you open a sefer putz?!
    OH I forgot your illiterate

    1. 'You're' as in, 'you are' illiterate.

  5. Listen 6:33 PM, it's a lot less Krum than you!
